Chapter 18 The Dream

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(Annie's P. O. V)
Eren and Mikasa planned on staying the night at Armin's but I thought I would go home. I looked out the window and saw it was actually coming down harder. So I don't think that's going to be an option on leaving. Hey Armin do you mind if I stay the night here? I asked

Course not your welcomed any time. Armin said

Thanks it looks like it's getting worst then before. I said

Thanks for reminding me I should call my mom and tell her I made it to Armin's. Eren said

Yeah I should tell my uncle too. Mikasa said

Eren and Mikasa stepped into another room to call their families so it was just Armin and me in the room. I looked at the fire as I saw it rise and lower all a sudden the power to Armin's house went out. So the only light and heat source was the fire in the living room it was going dim a little. So I took the paper in my pocket and threw it in the fire.

What was in the paper? Armin asked

I don't know. I said

Did you want to know? Armin asked

I thought about every paper I gotten and every time it ended bad. No, no I don't want to know what was on let alone in the paper. It could have been an apology and I could care less about it. I said to him

Okay. Armin said

Thank you Armin, thank you for helping me and everything you've done for me. I said

Armin smiled and said. No problem.

Eren and Mikasa came back and it was getting colder in the house we gotted every blanket in the house. We got them into the living room and made a bed. It got cold because the heater needed electric so the fire was barley helping. We decided to sleep in pairs for some reason Eren wanted to sleep with Mikasa so that left me and Armin. We went to bed in the living room and we all fell asleep it was nice.

Annie's Dream

I was walking around and I saw a little me and I saw my mom was drinking not giving a care in the world. I heard the front door slam open and my father came in with a bad attitude. He marched over to me and picked me up by my hair and threw to the wall me head it the wall hard. Once my body dropped to the floor I looked up to see the man hover over me. Then kicked me and then dragged me back up by my hair he open a door and threw me down are basement. Nothing but darkness behind me and I fell but then another figure came he gotten bigger. He saw me and the little me disappeared into tge darkness and the other figure came over and dragged me to the stairs I tried to fight him but fail. He kicked me down the stairs and all I see is his evil smirk as he saw the terror in my eye. I reach out for help but not one helps me so I just fall into the darkness and the darkness consumes me.
(End of dream)

I jolted awake but it was 12 in the morning and my phone was going off. I checked the caller and to my surprise it was my mom calling me. I got up and it was coldI stepped into the other room to answer it.

Hello? I asked


Mom do you know what time it is? I asked


I'm not even at home. I say

Why! She yelled angry

Because I was at a friends house and it started to blizzard out side. I said

Well go home now. She said

It's 12 in the morning and it's below zero out side and you want me to walk all the way home because? I asked


I sighes, do you think you can wait an hour or a half? I asked

Hang on...

There was a moment of silence.

Yes we can. She said

Fine I'll call you once I'm home. I said

Okay please hurry though. She said

I walked out and went over to the door and grabbed my tennis shoes and put them on then grabbed my jacket and put it on. I left a note for anyone who wakes up that I went home. I then made my way to my house it was so fucking could outside. I could feel the snow slip into my shoe and socks and burn my anckles. It was actually -8 out side so I was freezing when I made it home there was frost inside because the electric was off still. I pulled out my phone and called my mom back and it rang a couple of times before she answer.

Hello? She said

Hey I'm home now what do you want? I ask shivering

Oh okay go over to the book shelf right. She said

I did as told, now what? I asked

Pull out the family photo. She said

I did so.

Then go under the Bahamas photo's. She said

Okay. I said

Now the very bottom left was the date 2006 or 2007. She asked

2007. I said

It was in 2007 that we went to the Bahamas. She said

Why did you need it? I said

Oh we were gambling and the house was on the line but we won it back and I was going to call you to tell you we don't need you to that. But then a nice couple came up and asked how were we so lucky to win and then we started to talk about trips and we ended up on the Bahamas. So I didn't want to waist your trip so I wanted the date of the Bahamas trip. She said

I was past furious and I was ready to break my phone into a million bits and peaces. So let me get this straight you called me AT 12 IN THE MORNING TO WALK 1 HOUR IN A FUCKING BLIZZARD JUST FOR A OLD VACATION DATE! I yelled

It's not 1 in the morning it's 11:45 in the morning. Mom said


DON'T SWEAR AT ME! Mom yelled on the phone

Then don't call me unless your checking up on me other then that don't call this number at all. I said and hung up on her

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