Chapter 11 Talking

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(Armin's P. O. V)
I watched Annie go down the road and disappear from sight I wonder how she figure all that out about me? I thought

Armin can we talk to you for a second. Eren asked

Sure what's up? I say

Well I know you like to hang out with Annie and all but, your always giving me advice so I want to give you some of mine. I know you're always telling me not to fight with Jean and all. But Armin my advice for you is to stay away from Annie she seems like bad news. I always listen to your advice but my rage get's the better of me. So please listen to my advice and please stay away from Annie I know you and her did something in the store that cause those shelves to go down. Eren said

(I couldn't believe it my best friend judging some one who has only met twice minus school hours. I was upset that he can't see the good in her. How can he see any bad I can tell she's a little sad but I can't believe him.) I know your my friend Eren and you want what's best for me but Annie isn't bad at all. Thanks for your advice but I'll decide who is my friend and who is my foe I will see if there is any bad in her. If so then I'll drop her but if not then that is my friend and I say she stays if you have a problem then you have to figure it out. I say a little mad at Eren

Fine but I've warned you. Eren says and walks away

They stayed around till 3 then they all went home and I was alone in my house again. For some reason Eren's words made me mad as I replayed the sene over and over again in my head. I eventuality got up and went out to clear my head for a while. I'll head to the dinner in town and grab a coffee and read my book that always cheers me up. I thought

(Annie's P. O. V)
I enter into the lonely and quite house it was quit scary it gave me the chills in that house. So I went to the fridge and open it. I almost barfed once I saw the rotting food it there. It smelled like something died in there so I went to the pantry and open it to find only an empty cover. With a web from a spider there was literally nothing to eat in the house. So I was about to order pizza when I saw the electric bill and when I saw it I was not happy. It was 1,263 dollars because someone kept on leaving every light in the house on. Now I used my piggy bank and empty it I had just enough for it sadly so I paid to off. I now was out of food and out of money this means I have to go get a job so I can eat. So I went out and walked around town till I found a big sign that said HELP WANTED so I walked in and got the job. Luckily I get my pay check at the end of the day I am a waitress at a dinner and with tips I should be able to get some food. I was working and my break is at 3:30 so I had five minutes till break the door open and the bell on it rang. I was told to take care of the customer as the other waitress just went on break. I was told to refill a customer coffee so when I went to the table I saw Armin. I saw he was reading a book in his hands so I glanced at it. I saw the book was some I read the series but never got to finish them. It was Attack on Titan it's a really good book, I didn't know you we're into manga's. I said

Annie? Armin asked

What you come here? I asked

Yeah, when did you start working here? He asked

Today. I said

Oh, no wonder why I didn't see the help wanted sign out there. He said

They already took it down? I asked

Yeah. He said

Wow they move fast. I say

Why did you choose to work here? He asked

We'll I have no money at the house and my parents didn't leave me any so I had to get a job so I can eat tonight. I said

Oh, well why are you home alone again? Armin asked

I looked at my watch and I had had two minutes left, I'll tell you what happen in two minutes cause then I'll be on my break. I said

Alright. He said

It was the most longest two minutes of my life before I was on break. Once it finally came I am able to have one free item. So I chose some food because I was hungry I went over to Armin's booth and sat across from him.

So what happen that made you get a job? Armin asked

Well I got grounded and they take one week before school break to go somewhere. They decided to go to Hawaii this year without me and when they left they forgot to pay a bill and get more food for the house. I say

Well why are you grounded? He asked

Well that is personal. I say

Oh sorry if I over step a boundary let me know and I'll drop it. Armin said

It's okay I know you wouldn't have done it on purpose. I said

Yeah. He said

So what's up with you why are you here I k ow it's not just for the coffee. I say

Wow you can read me like a book can't you. He said putting down the book

Yep so what's up? I say

"Sigh" well Eren just said something that got me thinking and then angry even though I don't show it you some how can see it can't you. He said

Take one to recognize one. I say

Well anyway he tried to control what friends I make and who I don't make as friends. He said

Yeah that will happen in life. I said

What? He asked

People controlling you deciding what you want but you don't want that if you know what I mean. I say

Yeah. He said

Eren is your best friend don't let that person stand between you I see you have a brother relationship with each other. So don't let one person ruin your brother relationship because trust me it's not worth it. I said

Annie I got to be honest because your nice to me-

I know Armin I know Eren ment me and I don't want to ruin your brother relationship. So it's okay I like how your honest not many men are honest. I say I got up as my break ended and I walked away and turn and said to Armin. I'm not worth it was nice talking with you Armin maybe I'll see you another time. Then I left back to work into the kitchen to continue my shift my first and last shift. I could tell I was a person in this cruel world with no purpose to anything so why stay? I thought

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