Chapter 12 ANNIE!

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(Armin's P. O. V)
I was walking to Eren's house to talk to him to forgive him and I heard Mikasa was over so I could asked her something. Eren's mom said he was up in his room so when I enter Mikasa and Eren was playing a game on his x-box. I enter and they paused his game I know he was mad at me as well.

Hey Eren I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier your like a brother to me and when you tried to control me I didn't like it. I know you did it to try and protect me but life is a game of risk and I always can't be wrapped up in bubble wrapping and call it good. I appreciate you tried and I'll always keep it in mind that you try to help. But I don't like being control it's like you and Jean I'll get mad. So someone made me realized your like a brother and I don't want this to brake are bond so please forgive me. I said

Sigh, I'm sorry to Armin your right I thought Annie would tear us apart and I never saw the side of you where you were a trouble maker. That's usually my job and when I saw you I thought you where alway a kind hearted person. It kinda scared me and the only one who joined the group who was new was Annie. So I started to think she was changing you. Eren explains

No matter what Eren your my best friend and a brother figure so you don't have to worry about that. I said

Great now do you want to play a round of Zombie black ops 2 Eren offer.

Sure. I said but as we we're waiting for the game to start Mikasa spoke up.

So Armin who gave you that advice? Mikasa said

I stopped and slightly blushed you could barley see it but then I spoke, Annie. I said

Of course she did, did you call her and tell her about are conversation? Eren asked

Actually no I was at the local dinner and she works there so I ran into her and we talked. Some how. I SWEAR I SAID NOTHING, I was about to explain on what I was complaining about. But some how she already knew about it was her we were talking about. It was weird she said she could tell just by the way Eren talked to her.

Wow. Eren said

It's not just that she even knew I was sad and angry. I said

How did she know that it's hard to tell if your saf you hide behind a mask. Mikasa points out

She said it takes one to recognize one. I said

What does that mean? Eren asked

It means she hides behind a mask and now thinking about it she never smiles or show any emotion in class or any where, what else she said. Mikasa said

Well that was basically it I said about everything even that she knew me and Eren's argument was about her. But when she left she said she's not worth it. I said Mikasa paused the game.

Armin did she give you anything? Mikasa said

I tried to give her a tip but she refused it so I got to keep my money. I said

What else. Mikasa said

Now I thought about this part, "It was nice talking with you Armin maybe I'll see you another time." It hit me like a bunch of rocks I didn't even explain to Eren or Mikasa. I rolled off of Eren's bed and ran down and out if his house the only thought on my mined was Annie.

(Annie's P. O. V)
I got home it was like 7 and the sun was down I was home alone and I was alone. This I hate this, the empty house nothing, just me and my thoughts I was a burden to the world this empty house is the exact prof that I am a burden. If I didn't get into a fight I would be with my family and I wouldn't be alone in this house with nothing. When I tried to flip on a light it didn't come on which means the bill hasn't gotten through yet. So in the dark I walked to the kitchen with my flash light and went to the knife draw I pulled it open and every thought is telling me say no or yes. So I sat on the floor for a while holding the knife to my wrist then I could handle it the thoughts running through my brain on yes or no. BUT WHAT DO I HAVE TO LIVE FOR! I thought I slashed my wrist and blood came out replacing where the knife dragged along. It hurt like hell and I just laid there at one point I fell asleep from lost of blood I think. But I heard someone break into my house oh well I'm dead they can take anything they want. I thought then my heart dropped when I heard

ANNIE! Armin yelled

I wanted to wake up and run but I couldn't I couldn't do anything but cry and I did just that even though I couldn't wake up I still cried. I just laid there not knowing what will happen the worst thing that could happen at that point of time is waking up. So I was hoping for a coma maybe even death. But for now I slept and cried at what I have done to myself and for Armin fir seeing me like this.

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