Chapter 14 Closer

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(Annie's P. O. V)
I woke up and saw that it was 5 o'clock and I got up and my head ach was slowly going away but was still lingering. I sat up and saw I was once again laying on the couch and I look over to the other couch and saw Armin. I got up quitely because he has  taken care of me so he deserved to sleep in a little longer. Whe I got out of the shower and got dressed I went back upstairs and walked into the living room. I poked at his face as I was keeled down to his level I continue to poke his face.

Psst Armin you have to get up. I said

Uggh five more minutes. He said rolling over

Armin you have to get up we have to leave the house in 30 minutes if you want to make it to school on time. I said

Shoot! He said sitting up quickly.

Don't worry I have spare cloths you can wear. I said giving him spare cloths

Who's are these? He asked

There my father's cloths you can wear them they shrank in the wash so their about your size now. I said

Oh thanks. He said

No problem I'll get breakfast going so when your done showering we can head out. I said

Alright. He said

I went and made two breakfast that can be ready to go. I as well made up lunch and he brought his bag sometime while I was sleeping so I put it in his bag. I heard the shower stop and he came out drying his hair then dug through his bag and combed his hair. We started walking to school the bus was broken so we had to get are own ride or walk to school so I choose to walk cause I can't drive yet. So me and Armin are walking in the early morning it was beautiful. We made it so that as we were walking we could see the sun rise a little bit. As we were walking it was silent not an awkward silent but a peaceful one. I suddenly thought of something and turn to Armin.

Armin can you please keep the almost suicide a secret from the other's I don't want them to think that I'm suicidal. I say

As long as you tell me and vent to me and promise me you'll tell me if anything bothers you. Armin said

Fine I promise. I say

This is a promise that can't be broken. Armin said seriously

Fine I promise Armin that if I come across a problem or think about it I'll come to you right away. I said

Thank you then I'll keep my part of the promise. Armin says

Thank you Armin it means alot to me. I said

Though Eren and Mikasa might be poking around because I was there when I got the thought about what you said. Then thinking about how the conversation went I realized what you ment. Armin says

Wow took you- how did you find out where I live? I asked as we talked we arrived on campous and I heard a student say the school was broken into. I look at Armin with a did you do it and he walked away making me think that he did break into the school and not get cought. I was surprised that he would go for far lengths just to make sure I was safe or even alive. I thought as the bell wrong Armin walked with me to are first period class. I sat in my seat and the class began it was a fast class then the bell rang. I said bye to Armin I would see him 4th in are free period but for now I have two other classes to deal with Burtholt. I got into class and his annoying face shows up sadly and I wish he would die in a hole or hit by a plane to the face. But no the closes I can come to is a paper air plane which I wish it was real so he could die or go into a coma. I thought

Wow Annie you go to this class did you get transfer into it? He asked

Are you kidding me? I say

What? He asked

Nothing. I say and walked to my desk

I sat down and the lession began it felt like eternity for it to finally to get over to do the activity. Yes even in math we do an activity which helps the retarded ones like Burtholt know multiplication. They should have known this by 3rd grade at least the basics like the ones or twos but no. To no surprise they know nothing and need help while I am an expert in it. I struggle with division even though its doing multiplication back words I still have a hard time. Once the class was over my teacher called me to stay and chat for a second.

Annie I see your quite excellent at multiplication and there are a few students I would like you to tutor. I will give you extra credit to you even though you have an A in my class I will make sure it stays an A. But I need you to tutor a few students everyday after school. Ms. Petra said

Okay. I said that means I get to pass this class with an A and all it is, is just tutoring a few students after school. I thought, I listen to every name then one person came out of her mouth that I wish she shoved it back in.

An last Burtholt he needs help on all of them he doesn't even know the one's. She said

A-alright I do got one question. I asked

Sure shoot. She said

Do I have to tutor all of them or can I select who comes to tutoring? I asked

No sadly you can't so you have to help all of them in order to keep that A in this class. I will be there for the first five minutes taking attendance for them then it's in your hands. On Tuesday's and Thursday's we have meetings after school so you'll have to set it up at your house or something. Petra said

Alright. I said a little sad but I took it my grade right now was a B but I needed that A. So I sucked up all of my hatred and anger to Burtholt and shoved it down so I can pull through this.

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