Chapter 32 Nightmare

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(Annie's P. O. V)
I made it to Armin's house first and then Armin showed up and then unlock the door letting us in. It began to snow hard and you could barley see the roads. I wouldn't be surprised if it was canceled and I wouldn't mind it at all. I stomped the snow off my boots and then Armin's phone began ring which he answer it. I took my shoes off so I didn't track snow into the house as I was looking around it looked very familiar to me. I sat on his couch and waited till he got done talking on the phone. When he was done he came into the room through the kitchen and then looked at me.

Sorry but we decided that the party will be tomorrow only because of the storm that had rolled in.

That's okay I wouldn't want them to get hurt. I say

Yeah and you're welcome to stay here so you don't have to go out in that dreadful storm. He said

Thanks yeah I didn't think storms got this bad here. I say

They do and if this continues on the power will be out in an hour so better take advantage. He said

So then what are we going to have for dinner? I asked

Well I got some food in the kitchen if you want to look through. He said

I got up and looked in the kitchen then I began to pull out stuff and I made a dish called Mexican manicotti. It had Deritoes, Cheese, Cottage cheese, hamburger, and more stuff inside it that made it good. When the power went out Armin started a fireplace in the living room and placed candles. I got two plates and put some on a plate then went out with forks on the plate. Armin threw in a couple of fire logs and then he saw me with two plates in my hands. I then gave him one of them and he thanked me and we ate in the living room to stay warm.

Mmh this is delicious how did you know how to cook like this? Armin said

Well I actually just threw it together literally praying it would taste this good. I before I became a lawyer I was a cook in a coffee shop and I was the best. I was in high school but then something happen and I stopped then I became a lawyer. I say

If you don't mind me asking but what cause you to stop. Armin said

That is very hard to bring up especially I never talk to anyone about it because no one ever asked. I say

Okay if it hurts that much then don't. Armin said kindly

To sum it up for you I was in a bad place for 5 years. I say

Okay. He said

Since the lights are out do you have any books in the house I could read? I asked

Yeah here follow me. He said

I got up and started to follow Armin we enter into a huge library room and with a candle he looked at the books. He got up on a latter and started to look for a book to read.

Look around and pick one. He said

I was looking when I came across a familiar title that I was reading once it said Attack On Titans I pulled the book. This was the series I never got to finish so I flipped it open and began to read in the candle light above me.

You found one? He asked

Oh, yeah it was a series I never gotted to finish. I say

Oh yeah I finish them already. He said

We went back and I sat on his couch and began to read I finished my book in 30 minutes I got up and went put it back and open another book. When I was getting up the 8th time Armin stopped me by asking a question.

Are you just skimming through and looking at the pictures? He asked

I put my right hand on my chest feeling offended and then spoke I am not skimming I am actually reading it's called skill. Unlike what you have because you read very slowly like everyone else and I read fast because of my job requires fast readers. I say

Alright tell me what's happen in the books you've read so far? He askes

I summed up each book and gave him some of my theories that could happen in the near future. When I got done he was shocked that I was actually reading and let me continue. I read 8 more books and then decided to call it a night. Armin grabbed a few logs and threw them into the fire then gave me some pillows and blankets. It was cold in the house so I was layer into blankets trying to stay warm. At night though I found myself drawing closer and closer to Armin for some reason. Then the next thing I knew I was right next to him and I didn't understand myself. I soon was sleeping on him and he did the most unexpected thing, he had wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I didn't mind it at all because I loved the smell of him for some reasons. So I just layed there and snuggle a little closer myself into him and he never woke up. My face was red but eventually I fell back to sleep and I was a whole nightmare about being back with them. I was yelling at them to let me go but chains kept me down and I was capture I couldn't move. I was like a bird who's wings were clipped and couldn't fly free. I began to cry in my sleep and then I felt myself get shaken awake.

Are you okay Annie?

Just a nightmare. I said

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