Chapter 7 Hanging in by a Thread

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(Annie's P. O. V)
I was now full of rage again and I was staring at their stupid shocked faces.


No don't even cancel your trip because you want to pitty me now I know their first class tickets. You can't get refunds on them I'll see you when you get back for Christmas. I say

A-Annie these tickets return on till January, 2, after new year. He says lowly so only I could hear.

I glared at them how could they not only miss christmas but as well new years. I scoffed and walked away.

A-Annie. My mom called out

I ignored her and hopped up onto my horse and Rose was now having a tantrum because attechion was on me. I told the others they could go ahead without me back to Armin's house. So on the ride back I was crying and I saw they were up ahead I ran straight passed them on my horse. I ran straight for the barn and put away my horse I pulled out the chicken from my bag from my horse. I enter into the house and began to wash off the chicken and put them on a pan. Finally they enter and I started up the oven my face was slightly normal from crying. Everyone enter the kitchen with either soda or chicken and I washed off the chicken and placed them on a pan. I slid them into the oven and grabbed a pot and put water in it I started up the burner and put the noodles into it. I then put all the sauces on the counter so when I'm ready I can put that in a separate pot. I notice everyone was staring at me as I was doing this, What? I say

Are you okay Annie? Armin asked

No it's just my family ticked me off again but I'm okay. I say

Oh I was actually focus on how you cook because I need skills. Eren says

That lighten up the mood alot while we waited for the chicken to be cooked perfectly it would take an hour or so. The sun was still up and we went outside to sit in the front yard and it was a warm day outside. All of a sudden Eren got up and went to Armin and whisper into his ear.

(Armin's P. O. V)
I know Annie is keeping something from us and I want to know what it is I was wondering till Eren came up and whispered into my ear.

We should pull out your water guns and spray all the girls. Eren said

Not a bad idea I even got a pool in the back yard so I went inside and got my water guns. Then went around back and secretly fill them up with water then gave all the guys a gun. We switched into swimming shorts then we all went out and saw the girls enjoying their time. All the guys rushed out and started to rapid fire on them and they started to scream and run. I shot Annie who took off running away from me and then I lost her near the pool. I was looking around by the pool edge when suddenly I felt two hand push me forward into the pool. I fell in and I saw Annie oh she's going to pay I sank to the bottom and used my legs to leap up and shoot out of the water. I scared her for some reason I ran after her and grabbed her waist tight. Nothing was going to brake my grip but I picked her up and ran back to the pool with her screaming no. I jumped into the pool again but bringing her with me. I open my eye's under water to see her reaction she gave me a are you serious look and I gave her a big smile. We got out of the pool and everyone was now jumping into the pool. We smiled and laugh about what happen and whose main idea was it we heard the oven beep from inside the house. Annie got up and ran and I followed behind her we enter and the floor was slippery now it was wet. I helped her pull out the chicken and she started up the sauces. When we were done we let the chicken cool down a little. A cold breeze came through the house though sending chills down my spine but clearly Annie was cold.


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Armin. She said

Yes? I replied

I am fucking freezing. She says

O-oh...A-ahh...Hmm... I couldn't come up with any ideas at that moment.

I will kill you for this. She says

Okay how about you go take a shower in one of the bathrooms to wash out the chlorine from the pool and I'll watch over the food. I say

Alright I'll be back in a minute then. She says

(Annie's P. O. V)
I took a shower and then got all of the chlorine out of my hair and it smelt better. That was really fun this has been the best sleep over yet and I still got to make dinner though. But alot more fun with friends then being alone in the house with an annoying sister. I hopped out and used got into my pajamas and the others came in and hit all the bathrooms to clean up. We laughed about the memory and everyone got done I as well got done making dinner. So I made their plates and they got their drinks we all sat at the table and then we dug in. Everyone complemented on my cooking skills and saying this was the best thing ever. I actually gotted apprehension from doing something or at least recognize and it felt good for that to happen. We began the weekend on a great start to enjoy the break off of school.

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