Chapter 35 Hello's and Goodbye

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(Annie's P. O. V)
I woke up the next morning and saw Hanna had left a note on the table and it said.

Dear Annie

I have to go home I am sorry I never gotted to say a proper goodbye my father is sick and it doesn't look well. I'll come back and visit when I can once again I am sorry for leaving without any notice.
Love Hanna

I can't blame her for leaving me she's done so much for me and I owe her alot. I got up and got ready for the day I grabbed my laptop and put it in a carrier case and the time was 4:30 A.M. So I was wearing my work out outfit I started to run and then came across an empty gym. So I enter as it was open 24/7 so I started to work out and run on the tred while listening to music. I then put on punching gloves and tied my hair up in a ponytail. I then started to punch the punching bags and when I was done I grabbed my bag and went to a dinner. I enter and sat at a booth and then order my soda and the waitress walked away. I placed my laptop down and open it up and it started up. It finally loaded and then I went and searched for houses for rent and everything was so expensive. I got my coffee and started to read the options but they were on the ruff side of town. I was so intensively staring at the computer homing something will just pop up like anything.

Looking for houses now? He said

I slightly jumped and coughed up my drink as I got scared I looked over my shoulder to see Armin.

Sorry didn't mean to scare you. He said chuckling

How long have you been sitting there? I asked

Not long. He said

What are you doing? I asked

Getting breakfast. He said

Oh is any of your friends going to join you? I asked

No. He said

Oh, well why don't you join me? I say

You sure? He said unsure

Yeah. I say closing my computer

Okay. He said

He got up and came over and sat across from me in the booth then the waitress cane back with my meal. Then Armin order his drink and meal at once which she nodded and took the menu.

So you're looking for houses now? He asked

Yeah but everything is so expensive here for living. I say

Yeah it's because the market is rising up again. He said

I can see that. I say

Well did you find any options? He said

Yeah but there on the other side of town. I say

Well that's the ruff side and I don't think it's the wise for you to live alone on that side. He said

I know but it's the cheapest. I say

Well I got spare rooms in my house and I need help paying the bills. He said

I could see where this was going but I am shocked that he's offering so soon whe we haven't even known eachother for a year at least.

Basically what I am saying is do you want to move in until you find something else that works with you? He said

Y-yeah that will be nice, thank you Armin. I say

No problem. He said smiling

We talked and ate a little bit more when we finished we walked out and he had a truck. He offer to give me a ride to the house I got in and we went back to the hotel and got my stuff. I checked out and then put my bags in the back of the truck. We then went back to his house and it was a long drive out there. When we arrived I grabbed my bags and then I was given a room on the main floor. I started to unpack and I put everything away that wad mine. I was happy then Armin knocked on my door and I allowed him to enter.

Hey for dinner we can either do take out or go to the store. He said

I can make chicken alafrado for dinner. I say

Then we'll be running to the store. He said

Alright. I say

I got on shoes and then we got in the truck and made are way to the store to get what we need. As we arrived we grabbed a cart because we need quite a few stuff. It was empty for a little bit only because people were at work before the traffic gets here. So we were walking I started to get a little speed then hop on the cart. I did this for a little bit till I felt it continue going I turn around and see Armin pushing while I was riding on it. I smiled and then we stopped by the milk and put it in the cart. He pulled and I rode through pointing out what I needed and the got it in the cart. When we got everything we went to check out and I bagged everything and put it in the cart. The total came up and before Armin could get his wallet out I stepped in and bought the food.

Annie I was going to get that. He said

It's okay I got it. I say

She gave me the receipt I thanked her and went on my way and showed the person at the door. We got the okay and went out to the parking lot and it was a down hill. The cart picked up pace but faster and I hopped up onto the cart. I was rolling down hill and Armin running along sode of the cart I smile and laugh at this. I saw the truck and hopped off of it and slowed it down as Armin was huffing. I put down the tail gate and out the groceries in the back of it.

I should have walked. He said

I chuckled a little and patted he shoulder, was I really going that fast? I asked

How about next time we trade places and you can see for your self. He said

I laughed and said okay we packed up the back and started heading to Armin's house once again. I saw the road and it made me a little tired so I closed my eye's and fell asleep on the bumpy ride.

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