Chapter 38 Going Back

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(Annie's P. O. V)
Armin and I were talking about old times and how they were funny and how we did them. Like how we knocked down many rows in the store and got away with it. He laughed at the story and couldn't stop laughing which ment he remember that day.

Haaa yeah we ran like it was are life on the line. He said

By the way winter was just ending but it didn't mean that it wasn't still could out side. The wind was a breeze and we layed under a tree to watch the cattle graze in the field. I just laughed and Armin was just holding onto me like I would disappear.

You know it was never the same when you left. Armin said

I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to have to wait and worry for me all these years. I say

It's okay because it was worth waiting for you to finally return. He said

I blushed and I had a buzz come from my phone I looked at it only to see it was a text from Mikasa. It was the wrong number probably ment for Eren. She apologized and I told her it was okay once I swiped over there was the number to my parents. I just stared at it wondering if they even miss me or even care for me?

When are you going to visit them? Armin asked

I don't know they never called after that day and didn't even bother to pick me up from the orphanage. I say

Don't blame your self sometimes people won't ever change that's what I've learn. Armin says

I might give them one last chance. I say

When ever you chose to just know I will be here to support you any time. He said

How did I get so lucky to get a friend like you? I asked

Well you're dog kinda knocked me down to begin this friendship. He said

Oh so true. I say

We laughed and then I sighed knowing I have the courage right now to face them and I'll never get this feeling again. So I better do this now why I still have this feeling to do so and if I don't do this I may never get this courage back again.

Where are you going? Armin asked

Home while I still got the motivation to do so. I say hopping up onto the horse

ALRIGHT I'LL HAVE DINNER MADE WHEN YOU GET BACK! Armin yelled as Annie rode away

I charged all the way home on the horse because I didn't have a car and Armin said I could take the horse to. Once I was riding down a street I had my looked decent and I was now getting paid from one of my last jobs. I remembered I left all I had here in my old room. I tied the horse up and walked up to the tree and it grazed the grass in the woods and gotted a drink. I saw both cars were here so that means they never moved to Hawaii. I knocked on the door and it had open to Rose she looked so different. She was going down a gothic stage as I could clearly see it.

Look you have the wrong house girl we don't care about-

Rose I'm here to speak with Mom and Dad. I say

She shut up and looked at me closer and then was hit with realization to who I was.

Ahh Annie sure come in. She said

I walked in and dad was on the couch watching a game and it looked kinda filthyer.


It's Annie. She said

Mom and dad turn and saw me in the entry of the living room door and their jaws dropped with shock. All I could do was a little wave at them before they could talk.

What are you doing back here did you drop out of high school and leave? If that's so then let me guess your out of money and need a place to stay. Well we're not going to be supporting two high school drop outs. He said

No I actually graduated High School and then moved on to college where I got my degree to be a lawyer. I came back here because there are jobs here that I can take with ease. So I am actually supporting myself by renting from a friend. I say

So what are you doing back here? Mom asked

Well I thought you guy's would have at least try to find me even though we got into an argument. I said

No once you showed us disrespect we kicked you out. He said

Well did you even know I was kidnapped and I tried reaching out for you. I say tearing up

N-no we never got your messages. Mom said


Nope we automatically delete them because it's always some other persons wrong number or the bank. He said

So you're telling me that I have just waisted a two hour ride here for nothing. I said

Yep. Dad replied

Screw you all I'm taking my stuff I left and taking it with me. I say

You can't we sold all your stuff to a GoodWill. He said

YOU FUCKIN ASSHOLE I AM TRYING TO MAKE PEACE HERE BUT YOU'RE JUST SO STUBBORN! YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO CHANGE AND I DON'T EVER WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU ALL EVER AGAIN! If you ever get curious on how I am doing don't contact me you can read about it in the news paper. I say

I went out the door and got oh the horse I took off riding back to Armin's house. Tears started to roll down my cheeks how could I been stupid to think they actually loved me. It was all a lie since the day I was born and I rode crying straight to Armin's house.

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