Chapter 19 Where You Go?

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(Annie's P. O. V)
I was now torn to go back out side and face the cold or stay here and still be cold. I had no snow boots I was going back and forth with my thoughts till my phone went off. I look to see my step-dad was calling I didn't pick up I let it ring. I saw the time though it was 1 in the morning now and once I make my journey back to Armin's again it will be another hour so I'll be there at two. So I let that empty house and walked back it gotted colder at 1:30 it became -10 out side and I don't have any snow boots so I feel the snow rubbing against my bare anckles. It hurt and I could barely stand it I finally made it getting out of the now -13 degrees and enter into a semi warm house. Well warmer then my house I bet now there are Ice cycles on the inside of the house now. I took off my shoes and went back to warm near the fire place. I didn't wake anyone but I sat infront of the fire place and I could barley feel the heat on my skin. I was shaking from being so cold and I started to feel a little better.

Annie? A grogly voice said

I look back and saw Armin was now up.

What are you doing? He whisper

Sitting by the fireplace. I say

Why do you look wet? He asked

The snow had now melted onto my cloths making them wet and cold. Which made me shiver even more noticeable then what it was with the small shakes. I then felt Armin touch my shoulder and then he felt how cold I really was.

Annie your freezing. He said

All I could do was sit there but Armin got up and came back with different set of cloths in his hand.

Here go change into these so your not wet and cold. Armin said

I nodded and took the cloths I changed and felt a little better from getting out of the wet cloths. I came out and placed my cloths near the fire place to warm up. Armin then took me to the makeshift bed of blankets and wrapped me up in the blankets. I was now warming up a little but Armin held me using his body heat to warm me up.

In the morning explain where you went. He said

It is morning. I said

Tell me when you wake up again. He said

I chuckled and closed my eye's and fell asleep and I usually have nightmares but not this time. This time I had a nice dream I really liked it and I was happy in my dream. When I woke up again it was like 5 in the morning and I thought about how nice Armin was and how he actually cared for me. I fell back to sleep but I was still cold so I rolled over and faced Armin. I was now snuggled into his warm chest I was still cold so this warming me up felt better.

(Armin's P. O. V)
I couldn't believe that Annie left the house so I tried to warm her up with my body heat. Which it cooled me down alot and it felt not to hot but not to cool. I felt Annie shift in her sleep and I just let her be her so when she snuggled into me I was happy she was here. I have grown different feelings for her different than a friendship ones it's more then that. So I held her tighter and Eren can laugh all he wants but he could understand it with Mikasa. So when I woke up it was 9 in the morning and school had been cancel clearly. So I quitely got out to make breakfast before they woke up and before I crawled out I was stopped. I saw Annie sleeping so close to me it made my heart skip a beat. But sadly I had to leave her and make breakfast but when she wakes up she'll have tk explain where she went early in the morning. So I mafe waffles and eggs to wake them up from their slumber and to my suprise only Annie woke up from her slumber.

Morning. I said

Good morning. She said

I gave her a plate and she had accepted it. Now where did you go this morning? I asked

Oh my mom better are house and needed something from it so when I finally got there an hour later she didn't need the house anymore. Because they won it back and she didn't want to waist a hole trip there so she asked for a date from one of ate vacations. My house had no power so I came back and sat infront of the fire place to warm up a bit. Annie said

Wow well that sucks, but today is a snow day so you can sleep in today. I say

True. She said

I got to feed the animals and then my break will begin. I say putting on snow boots

Well that sucks it's cold out there. Annie warns me

Aring I'll take gloves. I say

She nodes her head and whished me luck out there in the snow as it was still a blizzard out side. So I made it quick and fed every animal and made sure they were warm. Then when I was done and came back inside to my suprise Eren wasn't up yet and neither was Mikasa. So I placed their plates in the microwave and then went back to sleep with Annie. I was cold this time I was the one who needed warmed up. So we slept close to each other but once again I grabbed Annie and pulled her closer to me and slept.

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