Chapter 2-Meet&Greet

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Williams' POV

Three days passed before I got to see Azulea again. Due to the unpacking and cleaning I got no time. I worried that she thought I forgot her. School was tommorow.
"Dad can I go outside?" I asked at the dinning table. It was 9 am, Sunday.
"Sure," he responded,"Since we finished packing and cleaning, you can go out but be back by 2."
"Ok thanks father," I said. I stepped out of the house and sat by the sand. I wondered if Azulea would come. The white sand was sensational against my feet. The sea waves washed up against my feet. I felt so happy living beside the beach. Only issue was that I couldn't swim. I leaped into the water. It was warm and refreshing.

Suddenly, I saw a part of the water moving in a different motion that the rest. A big fish tail appeared to be coming in my direction. A smile formed across my face. Azulea was coming to see me. Her face appeared out of the water. The water was very shallow so I could see her green body underneath the water. Her hair was sparkling. It was a ponytail style and was causally beautiful.
"It's about time," she said.
"I'm so sorry," I apologised," I was busy and I really wanted to see you."
"I came a few times but I knew you would be here today," she said.
"How?" I asked.
"Well I can sense humanity when it's in the water," she informed me.
"How many mermaids and mermen live under the sea?" I asked.
"About a hundred," she responded inching closer to me. I didn't mind at all. I came closer to her as well.
"Wow!" I exclaimed,"Why is it forbidden to communicate with humans?"
"I don't really know because the Queen decided on it. It has something to do with her past."
"So let's do something fun," I suggested.
"You can't swim right?" she asked.
"No and you can't survive on land?"
"I can but I must not be away from liquid for too long."
"I want you to promise me something," she said. She reached below the water and bought forth a sea star.
"If you ever tell anyone that mermaids exist I won't kill you. This sea star will allow you to breathe under water. Don't tell anyone,"she warned. She placed it over my nostrils. Her touch made me feel special. She took my hand and pulled me underneath the water.
"Is it magic?" I asked her. I realized I could also speak under water.
"I can't swim. Remember?"
"Oh right! I will teach you how to swim.

She spent the next half an hour teaching me how to swim. She did all the moves while I copied her.
"You will get the hang of it," she said.
"Let's hope so," I replied.
"Since you can't really swim, I will protect you," she said.
"I will show you around," she said.
"Won't someone see me?"
"Not if we stay around here."

She bought me through the water. Everything was so beautiful. Coral reefs were here and there. I didn't know how long we were under the water and I didn't care. It was the happiest I been since I got here. We stopped in front of a plant of seaweed.
"You hungry?" she asked. I looked at her as if she was crazy.
"What!" She asked confused.
"Who eats seaweed?"I asked.
"Well I'm going to let you try some real food."
"Won't you have some of this seaweed?"
"I will pass."
She broke off piece and harvested it. She was even more beautiful when she eat. I couldn't stop staring at her. She even caught me staring.
"What do I eat like a shark?" she asked.
"No you eat beautifully," I complimented her.
"Really?" she asked widening her eyes in a sweet way.

Suddenly we're staring into each other's eyes. Our eyes locked. She won't look away and neither would I. It was like a challenge.
"Azulea!" someone shouted. It wasn't similar to the voice that called her last time. It was less serious.
"Over here!" I heard bubbling behind her before a mermaid came beside her. She gasped when she saw me.
"A human!" she exclaimed.
"This is Williams," Azulea introduced me,"Williams this is Diana."
"Oh! So this was the reason you always came out here," she said shaking her head," It's nice to meet you."
"Same!" I gave her a smile.
"What if Queen Adella finds out?" Diana asked.
"Hopefully she won't," Azulea replied.
"Williams! Wanna hear a secret?" Diana asked.
"You see this mermaid! She has a-" Azulea covers her mouth before she could finish.
"Don't you dare," she warned her.
"Have a what?"
Diana pulls her hand away."A crush on you. I thought you were a merman. I won't lie. You're the only person she talks about." I could see Azulea blushing. Was it true? But isn't that forbidden?
"There is nothing wrong with that," I said smiling.
"You're cute," Diana said to me.
"I better leave you two love birds alone," Diana said swimming away. We giggled.
"Who's she?" I asked.
"My best friend," Azulea replied.
"What do you like her?" I could sense a small hint of jealousy in her tone.
"No- if I was to date anyone in the sea, I guess it would be you. I was just curious," I answered.
"Oh! Really? You would date me."
"I would be with you too as in the only human," she confessed.
"You see that rock over there," Azulea said after a moment. She pointed to a rock a little distance from me,"It's my favorite relaxing place."

The rock was planted on a patch of white sand with a red comb on top of it. It had a heart curved into it. It was attractive.
"It's beautiful," I complimented. She took my hand and lead me to it. It was big enough to hold both of us. She sat down on it and gesture for me to do the same. I sat down while we started a conversation. We spent the next few hours learning things about each other. According to her no one would ever find us here except for Diana and no one did. Diana came back after a long while.
"The Queen is looking for you," she told Azulea.
"I better be going," she said.
"I will meet you by the water at 3:30 tomorrow," I suggested.
"I will sense you anyways," she said. Both of them swam away while I floated up to the surface. As I took off the sea star I wondered how she would know the time from under the sea. I smiled deeply as I walked up to the front door with the sea star hidden for safety.

 I smiled deeply as I walked up to the front door with the sea star hidden for safety

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Queen Adella

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