Chapter 30-Bee Without Wings

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Hello Peps! It's that big day we are all waiting for. The Wedding but before we get to that let's get to the title of this chapter. A bee without wings is quite hardworking but despite this the bee is unable to fly which is a disadvantage to production. And one thing they will always remember is that they will die because eventually won't we all?

Azulea's POV

February 22,2024 10:58

I stood by the entrance of the large ball room filled with attendants. It was 2 minutes before the start of my wedding. I nervously glanced outside every passing second to see if Adella was coming. She was suppose to be here already.

The ballroom was parton into 2 sections of benches and the middle as the aisle for me to walk. The benches were each decorated in red and white fabrics and balloons.

The pastor who was hired stood at the front on the stage waiting. The stage was glass bottom with red roses decorating the edges.

As I stood their observing the beautiful arrangements, I felt two arms wrapped around my waist from back way. I turn around to see Adella.

"Hey I was finishing a concert. Let me zip up your beautiful white dress," Adella said as she did just that.

As she faced me a nervous wreak, she smile reassuringly.

"You are strong, resilience and confident Azulea," she told me cupping my face softly,"You go out their and marry Williams just like you said in that interview."

I nodded as the musician began playing "here comes the bride". Adella patted me before walking away in her strapless white dress and her tall 5 inch heels. She took a seat in the front row.

Willy soon came wrapping my elbow in his. He was dress in a red&white tuxedo. I glanced down the aisle as we started the walk. My eyes locked with Williams who was smiling and winked at me. Just like that the nervousness disappeared.

Williams' POV

Same Day 11:05

I glanced lustfully at Azulea as she modelled down the aisle. Her blonde hair was neatly hanging down her back. As for her pretty dress.

It was cream white with mesh at the part above her chest leading down to her hands. The dress was tightly stitched which showcased her attractive swaying hips and her petite body size.

Her smile was incredible. I was truly marrying an angel. As she middle the aisle I glanced at the shinny tiara on her head. Her white wedding dress trailed behind her as she got closer and closer.

As she ended the walk, she stood on my left as we faced each other. Everything was silent for that moment with only the sound of the sea washing up on the shore in the distant.

My heart raced in my chest as I look on this hot attractive lady who was going to be mine.

"Dearly beloved," the pastor said ending the silence with a cold stap. "We are gathered here today to witness the adjoinment of two people in love dangerously to each other. Can I hear the vows?"

"You are my life, my strength, my hope and my prosperity," I said holding Azulea's soft hand. "Without you I would be in poverty. Your love is the greatest achievement in my life and I don't want to ever lose it. I love you Azulea. I love you more than everything else in my life because you're an asset to me. I am dangerously in love with you and I will always be."

"Williams," she said our eyes locked as one,"You are the happiest moments in my life and the greatest person to me. I never met someone so caring and affectionate as you. You have the key to my heart, my body and my soul. I love you Williams. I want to be with you forever and have kids with you. I want to be committed to us forever. I promise I will never let you go."

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