Chapter 27- Flames OF Drama

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Hi Friends, It's all thicken drama from here and I should probably tell you...You're in for a comedy, drama chapter....Relax and Enjoy.

Azulea's POV
February 12,2019 20:08

I walked vigourously into the house taking the stairs. In my bedroom doorway stood Adella, Willy, Williams, Gina and Asia.

"Why do you all look so shocked?" I asked as I walked passed their faces. I noticed that the door was burnt on various sections. The faded scent of smoke remained.

"I'm really sorry," Adella apologize even before I saw what happened. "I was just so upset."

I opened the door slowly and gasped. The wall, floor and all the things were burnt up.

As a prime minister, Azulea learnt one thing to always be calm in every single matter how dramatic or intense it is and it should be noted that she applied it in this very one...

"Babe," Williams said taking my hands gently," I saved everything except those pictures you took at the school."

"Okay then," I forced a smile trying to remain calm. I was exploding like a grenade inside but trying not to scream like a monkey on the outside. My bedroom was a black mess. What made me even more mad was the fact that it was her own son's room as well and she burnt it up.

"Everything is okay," I said letting it slide," Get the painters, the decoraters and renovators. I hope they can fix it tomorrow. Call them my love."

"I'm very sorry Azulea. I took things too far. I-"

"No It's fine. I better get a invitation set for an high school because I need those pictures over."

I then walked off down to the hall where I sat alone on the black & white couch.

It's seem someone is taking things calm for now but let's go to 2 persons who don't want that to happen.

Asia's POV

I entered my room with Gina following suite. As soon as she was in, I closed the double doors and a wide smile spread across our faces.

"It seems our plan is going well," I smiled high fiving her.

"Indeed," she responded in glamorous Indian accent,"Let's pull it up a notch."

She brushed her short black bong hair reaching down to her neck.

"We need to get them against each other so badly that one leaves the house," she said.

"I know just how to do that,"I said rising from the bed and looking at my petite body size in the mirror.
"Go to Adella and persuade her to go with Azulea to the party she will attend at the school."

"No Asia," she objected,"I don't want to accidentally ruin all the hard work we had completed so far. You go and do this."

"I will but you have to get closer with Azulea. Everything has to go as plan."

I opened the door and traverse to Adella's room. I knock on the door.

"Adella," I said in my sweetest British accent,"I was just wandering if I could talk? Just briefly I suppose."


I entered to see her sitting on her bed staring at the moon through her window.

"I think you should consider talking to Azulea. If you are going to make things right. I suppose you could do it swiftly but gradually at the same time."

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