Chapter 9- A Devastating Revelation and A Money making Kidnapping

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Azulea's POV

Same Day 19:49

The whiteness of the moon reflected upon the the sea giving it a sparkling colour. Yet there was no sparkle down under the sea.

"Azulea!" My twin sister screamed entering the hut.

"What's wrong?" I asked as she caught her breath.

"Who's Williams?" she said huffing. At the mention of his name, I started smiling but stopped. I gave my sister a weird look.

"Where did you hear about this?"  I asked.

She didn't get a chance to respond because Diana flied through the door.

"You are in deep trouble! The twins snitched on you."

Oh brother, What a nightmare but it gets worse.

"Azulea!" The queen voice sounded. She was enraged I could tell.

"I can't face her," I said and swam towards the land. I swiftly sped away because I knew this was probably my lost chance to see him.

I didn't see him outside and deep down I knew something was wrong and it was confirmed by the police vehicles flashing in his yard and his father looking around worriedly.

What could be worst than this? Yet it should be noted that what  happen next was the worst. Remember Tyler? No? He knows about Azulea.

Suddenly I spotted a glowing light coming from the water. It was the Queen. I began to panic. I couldn't go back without seeing Williams and saying goodbye.

I leaped out of the water. Mermaids couldn't swim on land as we all have knowledge of very well so I wiggled across the sand.

It sticked up on my tail as I gradually moved closer to the house. I wasn't in view and it was unlikely I was going to be spotted.

Then suddenly, I heard fainted steps coming from behind me. My ears were very close to the sand which was why I realized that the person was coming closer. I was too far to try rolling back to the water.

I turned around to see the silhouette of a figure coming closer. I realized it was a boy.

"Williams?" Silence then the figure answered but the answer wasn't what I expected.

This was what she expected to hear...
"Azulea? Yes it's me Williams. I am okay." Yet unfortunately this was what she heard...

"No Tyler I'm one of his friends well use to be."

"Get away!" I hissed.

"I would Azulea but I need you."

He then injected me with a strange pointed substance and everything turn black.

External Narrating...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to announce that we have located the mermaid and we have a show all lined up but first money," Andrew announced while Tyler smiled.

"Hold up we ain't paying a dollar if we don't see a mermaid."

Which by the way the mermaid = Azulea and guess what? Azulea + Kidnapping = ? Money and ×2 = Williams. What an equation. Lets play a game shall we? Every 10 persons which take a picture of these 2 kidnapped, we will say "click" and remember this is important.

The show began with Azulea in a pool with iron rail covering the top and Williams in the other side. He was trapped in a cell but with no water.

People started gathering in the behind the beautiful mansion beside the big pool. At sight of the Azulea and Williams they started snapping. Azulea was crazy scared and worried. She also wanted to see Williams whom was still unconscious.

First the Yello Family of 10 took pictures (click). Followed by Gemro Family of 4 and Henry family of 6 (click). This was followed by a few more families of 10, 5, 15 and even people singled out and this all added up to 200 people.... (Click) + (Click) × (10 click).

Here it should be noted that, this went viral attracting more people but we don't have no time to count all those clicks plus we have more problems up ahead or should I say down below.

The sea swirl in a horrible spiraling motion. Everything including the huts were become unstable. The glowing lights all went dark and a pitch of darkness approached with a very cold wind. Strangely the water surrounding the entire mermaid village froze to solid ice entrapping them with an ice fence.

"Oh my!" A few frightened mermaids screamed.

"What The?" A few shaken mermen yelp.

The Queen blew her emergency horn declaring an emergency and everyone should report to the castle immediately.

"Hello Everyone we seem to have a major problem," she reported a little sturn but relaxed.

I should pause here to correct her 2 problems
1. Azulea was Kidnapped (They know now)
2. The entire humanity knew about the existence of mermaid.


"We need to locate Azulea and once she is located and she is safely back here we will have to wipe the entire memory of humanity about us."

"Your majesty, what if we don't?" inquired Azuleo. She knew about Williams now and she really wanted her sister to be happy because for some strange reason this wouldn't make her happy. Him forgetting about her would be too sad.

"If we don't then we will all die," she replied with a sympathetic look.

Azuleo didn't like that answer at all and she empathize that with her next 5 action.

She swam up to Coralla and yang her hair throwing her straight into Alanna. Alanna whom was laughing stopped as both of them collided into the wall. Azuleo then grabbed a sharp object from the ground. It was a torn created from the seaweed plant. She used a little magic and sailed it straight at the twins. They were terrified and with great luck the torn missed their heads.

"Azuleo!" The Queen shouted at Azuleo but for some strange reason it was like Azuleo wasn't there. It was like she was contained under a spell.

"Azuleo! We will fix things. Be calm. Azuleo!" The Queen said trying to cool her down while maintain composure.

Azuleo soon held a watergun pointing it at the twins.

And it should be noted this wasn't a toy gun. It was a mermaid gun.

Everyone started running and scattering. Azuleo raised her hand and smiled disgustingly at the two brats.

"You made me do this!" she said in an African tone. Wait don't she speak in an Italian tone?

"Azuleo please put down the gun," The queen spoke a little less composure. Her hand was stretch out and for some strange reason her gold fish body didn't sparkle as it usually did.

"We're sorry!" The twins cried. "Please forgive us!"


Azulea's POV

Same Day 23:56

"Azulea?" A voice cried from the other side of the pool. We were both separated by a wall. 
"Williams?" I responded my voice weak and dry. It was also broken and shallow.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I shouldn't have brought you into this mess."

"It's okay, I was worried about you and they caught me."

"I too was worried about you, Azulea."

"I probably won't see you after today becaus-" her voice trailed of when she saw the 2 strangest things ever. Williams didn't notice at first; when he looked up and saw it, his mouth fell.

You must be wondering what happened with Azuleo and Azulea but that my friends is for the next chapter....

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