Chapter 15- Secret Service

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Hi Peps! Welcome today we are Detectives Why? We're getting to that. Also Azulea's wedding is tomorrow but will they get married after all? When this next scenario is through.

William's POV

December 16,2018 0:00

I grabbed Diana and we hid behind a large rock. I was still so shock. Before us was Azulea's future husband. His back was turn but in his hand was a water gun.

Remember Peps! These are the dangerous ones!

He opened his hut, as we watched suspiciously. My heart was jumping like it would give us away any minute. I slightly glanced at Diana who was watching intently.

As Adam opened his hut, I gasped and several goosebumps took over my skin. Inside was several murderous weapons but what was even more scary was they were human weapons. Knives, Cutlasses, Guns and Bams. From where I was hiding, I also saw some machine with plastic all around it. He closed the door and we quickly swam away.

"What are we going to do?" Diana asked worried, "Azulea can't marry a criminal no matter how much we are upset with her."

"Agreed. They are finishing their wedding plans with my mother tomorrow so lets search his house then and see if we can collect evidence."

"Then what?"

"After we have all the evidence then we will think of a way. Now let's get some sleep."

Azulea's POV

Same Day 7:46

I woke up to Adam sitting on the edge of my seabed.

"Hey how did you get in?" I asked.

"Your door was opened. Remember this?"

He exposed his right palm revealing the anchor.

"My love," I said my heart melting, "Where did you find this?"

"I found it safely secured in a box and I thought you would love to see it. You remember this day?"

"You mean the greatest day of my life?"

Complete exaggeration if you ask me.

I kissed him on his lips and next think I know I'm below him. He kissed my neck as I gasped from the pleasure it produced. His hands were locked with mine which were widely spread above my head on the seabed.

He then kissed me above my chest causing my back to arc from the sexy feeling. My body wanted it so badly but I had to stop.

"Let's wait until tomorrow when we are married," I said.

"No problem! I will wait for ever if it means I still get to be you."

With a simple kiss we left to finish planning with Queen Adella.

Diana's POV

Same Day 8:12

We observed around to see if any mermaid or merman was coming we couldn't risk getting caught.

After reassuring ourself it was safe we entered his hut. It was a mess and a complete hazard. Inside was black on the rock wall surface with guns and Knifes hook up on the surface.

The cutlasses were scattered on the ground and in the centre of the hut was a machine. It was flat and had a needle and a tread on it.

"What is he planning to do to us?" I asked scared.

"Relax Diana," Williams responded,"All we need is some good evidence and bam! We get him."

"But we can take one of his guns," I suggested.

"It's too risky," He replied,"Just look for something good. You will know when you find it. I will search in the other room.

I carefully searched through his stuff but I couldn't make any progress on finding a gig. By gig I mean evidence. We were there for about an hour but still no strong evidence.

Suddenly, I heard the door open and the sound of a tail flashing to this direction. Williams was in the other room which was why I couldn't alert him or anything.

As the figure entered the room. I hid under the seabed. I noted the colour of his tail. It was blue. Which meant it was Adam.

I could see Williams who was still searching through his things in the other room.

Adam walked passed my hiding spot and was headed towards Williams. My heart was racing and my breathe quicken. I couldn't let him catch Williams. What if he murders him? But what should I do?

Just as he was about to enter the other room an idea struck in my head. I shook the bed and a bottle crashed to the ground.

"Who's there?" Adam asked quickly spinning around coming in my direction. 

I was relieved because Williams was now alert and hiding under a table. Yet my joy didn't lost too long.

Adam started searching around the seabed. He was convinced someone was there and I noticed that in his movements.

He then came over to the seabed, I started panicking. How sad this would end. I would never see Azulea until we were both in Heaven after he kill her too.

I closed my eyes just as I saw his fingers about to lift up the seabed. My heart jumped like 10 loud thunders striking at the exact same time. It was so deafing just like the sound of Adam's finger scratching on the seabed. In just 5 seconds and I would face the end.

"Adam?" A voice outside called. It was Azulea. He rushed outside in one quicken pace. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes!" he responded.

"Can I go inside?"

"Nooo!" he said a little too harrash then he toned it down. "I'm renovating it and I want to surprise you. Forget about that now my love let's go finish our wedding plans."

Few minutes later, I met Williams behind the rock outside. So relief that I was alive. That was close.

"Now what?" I asked. I was so terrified and from my own experience I just didn't want Azulea marrying to Adam.

"I don't know," Williams replied a little frustrated.

"If only if we could capture the moment then we could get everyone to see it because they wouldn't believe us without physically evidence."

"Oh my god!" he gasped when I was finish talking,"You're really smart. You know what meet me at the wedding tomorrow I have an idea."

Williams' POV

Same Day 13:03

"Hey mom remember that favour you said I could get?" I asked.


"I need it now actually," I requested.

Well then Peps, I guess this is where we cut our bottles lose. By this I'm referring to say goodbye but farewell and don't go far because after all tomorrow is a big day....Bye Peps!

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