Chapter 12- Commitment

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Hello Peps, Have you ever made a commitment you forgot about like simple owing a loan to the bank and forgetting...well such a poor example but I'm saying too much we have a party to star.

Williams' POV

December 13, 2018 9:00

"Why are we going all the way through here?" I asked as we swam through the castle. It was unlike other castles. It had sand on the ground.

We (as in Azuleo and I) were swimming through a passage with small diamonds on both sides making up the wall.

Soon we came up on a door which Azuleo quickly opened.

"Surprise!" It was a party for me I soon realized. My eyes glimmered. I saw pizza,hamburgers and even a cake.

"But how?" I asked completely taken aback.

"I did it," Azulea said smiling but she seem a little off. "It was a surprise for you because I know how much you missed home."

"She came to me," Queen Adella added, "And I got these. There is one more surprise."

She too seem alittle off.

I should probably stop here to point out, both mermaids were in deep thoughts about Williams but he doesn't know that. Are you confused? Let me catch you up. So Adella was talking to Willy and Azulea caught them; found out that they were Williams' parents. She knew about Willy but was taken aback by Adella.

The party started and for the first time in days I felt like I was home. There was reggae music playing on a stero.

I showed the mermaids and merman how to dance which was hard since we all had tails but I had so much fun.

"Thank you," I said to Azulea embracing her in a appreciative hug.

"I don't want you too feel left out," she said sweetly, "Not now, not never."

"You're the best Azulea. So tonight at the coral reef," I whispered into her left ear while secretly inhaling the scent of her hair. It was like cocoa butter yet unexplainable.

"Absolutely," she smiled back. She was so close and I suddenly felt the sensation of wanting to kiss her again.

Every night I dreamt of her soft lips and the endless feeling of joy it brings to my life.

"Azulea," The Queen Adella said rushing towards her. "There's a problem. Urgently!"

I should paused hands are tired 😂 but in the mean time go back on look at today's date; at the begin of the story because it's very important to the next sequence of events I should warn you...

Azulea's POV

I trailed behind the Queen exiting the party. She looked scared and I suddenly felt worried. Did she know that I saw her?

She took me into a private room. While quickly extracting a paper from her draw.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Read it Azulea."

I took it up and read it over.

"Oh my commitment. But he never came back Adella. I'm happy."

"Here's a glass of water because you will need it."

"Adam," she called and at that moment he entered the room. Also at that exact moment I saw the commitment.

"What day is today?" I asked.

"The 13th."

"And we will have a eclipse."

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