Chapter 23- Lifestyle

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Hello Peps! We have moved 5 years which brings us to 2024. Now we are all curious to the last 5 years so I'm going to read an article about it while eating a sandwich.

Wattpad Magazine
C.Campbell Editor
February 1,2024

Prime Minister Azulea Hanns has been the active Prime Minister of Jamaica over the last period of two years. She moved from Hanover and now lives in Kingston.

The MOST honourable Ms Hanns got this position after saving 60,000 human lives off a cruise ship during a storm within only 5 minutes. When she had spoken to the former prime minister who asked her what would she like as an award. The young woman,now 20 years old, said to be Prime Minister.

Her boyfriend Williams Little 20 years old, is a trend in fashion as his ability to breathe under water for long periods of time has help him to take over 12,000 pictures under the sea. At this moment he's trending number one as a model and is looking to sign a deal to star in a movie called: "Revenge Of The Wounded Girl."

Mr. Little's Parents, Willy Little 45 years old and Adella Little 40 years are highly recognized. Willy is head CEO of Dreams Hotel, Resorts and Spa in St. Ann while Adella is an top trending Reggae Artist with her second Album "Reggae Mermaids" expected to drop sometime in this week.  Her song "love of the sea" got top charts back in 2022 which helped her gain popularity.

Prime Minister Azulea and her soon to be in laws, although she's not yet to announce engagement live in Kingston Jamica all together in a mansion valuing roughly 5 million.

Ok Friends so now you know their highlights lets get to the story.

Azulea's POV

February 1,2024 8:55

"I have your boyfriend on line 2 Ms Hanns. He wants to speak with you urgently," my secretary said.

"Thanks Isabelle. Tell him to wait 2 minutes."

"Oh and Mr Davidson, oppostion leader refuse to sign this deal to have a state of emergency in Downtown Kingston."

"What!" I said frustrated,"It's a bad place and I want to help reduce all the valuable stealing happening down there. How can one gang steal over 12 millions of dollars? Isabelle see if you can schedule a meeting for me with him this week thanks and put my boyfriend through."

"Yes ma'am."

"Hello," I said on the line with Williams.

"Hello my love," he responded in that sweet loving voice of his.

"Let's see not busy being the face of fashion?"

"No actually because I took so much pictures already today about a thousand and my crew are analysing it."

"That's great."

"And you my love?"


"How about lunch today?" He asked.

"Yes Thanks," I replied with a relaxed smile,"Where?"

"Well I was thinking something at home just be their by 12:30."

"Ok I love you Williams."

"I love you too." with that I felt an electric shiver run through my body with every time he said those words.

"Ms Hanns," Isabelle said from front desk,"I got a schedule for you to meet with him."

"Great," I responded with a smile,"When?"

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