Chapter 10-Problem & Solution

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Hey Peps! I know you learnt about problem and solution but not our problem and solution methods... You remember where we left off with Azuleo and The mermaid gun lets get right to it...

Azuleo's POV

I placed my finger on the trigger. I could here them begging me to put it down but it was too late to turn back down.

Suddenly the chandelier, descended from the roof and by the mid of seconds missed my head.

"We need to find Azulea c'mon Azuleo."

And here is where we switch to Azulea and Williams...

Williams' POV

The sky began glowing with a bright golden colour surfacing around the moon. The stars clustered to form a mermaid.

I then felt a strange stretching feeling like someone was stretching me apart. I soon found myself floating in the sky and Azulea too.

That's when we really saw what the end of the world looked like. Cars crashing into each other. Houses on fire. People firing guns at each other. Churches being bombed. There was so much destruction that it became painful to watch.

"Do you see what you have done?," asked a voice but it was like 5 persons talking all at once. I looked around still in the sky trying to locate where that voice was coming from. "This is the end of humanity."

"No it can't be," I said in frustration.

"There's only one way to save the world," the voice chanted.

"Its the council," Azulea said taking my hand.

"How's that?"

"The human will turn into a merman and every human that walks the land of Jamaica knowing about our existence their memories shall be erased complete either that or all humans will perish into this horrible destruction upon the face of Negril. Pick a choice!"

I turned to Azulea. This was a really hard choice. I couldn't be selfish and make all of us perish no.

"I will sacrifice myself," I said in a courageous voice.

"Very well human," the voice said then in the flash of an eye.

I fell out of the sky into the sea. It made a loud splash as I went underneath the bottom. I was in a white long material which covered my feet. The water pushed me down to the bottom. Strangely I could breathe under the water which was odd.

I felt compelled to the water. My eyes were closed. As I open my eyes I was in a hole.

"Welcome Williams," they said. I was still in the white material. The Queen slowly removed it and to my surprise I was a merman.

My waist was made of red scales. I had a curly shape down to my tail.

"You are expected to meet at the castle every morning. Azulea will show you around and Azulea please do have a word with your sister she know," the Queen said before swimming away.

"C'mon," Azulea said taking my hand. She showed me around the village which contained 125 huts and the castle.

"Well..." She said stopping and standing in front of me. "Williams you haven't said a word from you turn into a merman. Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm sorry," I said shaking off the the sudden feeling. "I am happy. I do miss the past but I'm glad to be here with you."

"Oh really?" she smiled. Her long hair caught my eyes. It glowed so beautifully. Her smile was like angels singing.

"Yes really," I smiled back and we fell into each other's arm with our tail flopping like the sounds of our heartbeats rhythmed.

I slowly stroke her hair down. I felt so alive. I didn't want to let go. Her hair smelled like that one scent that will always make you smile. It was so refreshing.

"I umm," I said suddenly feeling shy.

"You what?" Azulea said pulling away to look into my eyes.

"I am just happy to be here," I said. Why couldn't I say what was really on my mind?

"Azulea?" A voice called. I closed my eyes for a second and then I saw doubles.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"Azuleo," she said, "I must confess you are handsome."

"You are twins? Oh my loving God!"

"Why do you keep speaking different tones? African, Italian and now British," said Azulea.

"Forget about that," Azuleo said," Guess what?"


"I got rid of the demon twins," she snickered.

"You did what!"

"Hello Hi Bye Bye Coralla and Alanna," Azuleo said.

And let it be noted that this shouldn't go unnoticed. Well let's leave this 3 to settle and move closer to land.

Queen Adella's POV

I surveyed my surroundings. There was no mermaid or merman in sight which I thanked god for. My heart was beating fast.

Now that he was a merman how could I tell him the truth. I sat down on the sand waiting for the love of my life. I smiled as he walked to me.

"I can't do this anymore," I confessed.

"You have to," he said holding my hand.

Odd right? What secret could she be talking about? And Williams a merman? Oh mamma! See you in the next chapter...

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