Chapter 21- The Start of something

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Hello Peps! It must be 2019 when you're reading this. Spoiler alert- Drug addicted chapter.

Azulea's POV

January 1, 2019 8:05
I slowly open my eyes. I was in something very comfortable. It was a bed. I wasn't in water. I was covered under a white fabric, a sheet.

As I lifted the sheet, I gasped. I no longer had scales and no purls were covering my breasts. As my eyes trailed further down I notice 2 odd shape long things replacing the mermaid tail. It was beautifully shaped though yet I felt weird.

And it should also be pointed out that our dear Azulea was no longer Azulea The Mermaid now actually she was Azulea The Naked Girl.

"Azulea," Williams said outside the door.

"Yes!" I responded looking at my feet. How the hell to use this thing?

"Can I come in?" he asked.

"Yes please do," I responded.

I was busy staring at my legs not noticing how he stood frozen in the open door.

"What?" I asked raising my eyes to meet his.

"You're naked!" He said shocked covering his eyes,"Why did you tell me to enter?"

"I didn't know," I responded,"honestly I don't know anything." His eyes were still closed. "Well how do I get not naked then?"

He slowly turn to a closet pulling out a blue material made of cotton.

"What's this?" I asked.

"A dress. Can you walk?"

"No," I said.

In moments, he took me up in a bridal style; after a few awkward and confusing minutes my dress was on.

He carried me in his arms outside on the sand beside the water. He carefully laid me down on my side while sitting beside me.

"Life is a cycle,"he said softly with a smirk and a smile.

"Why is that?" I asked drippling in the sand.

"You taught me how to swim which helped me survived as a merman. Now I will teach you how to walk which will help you survive as a human."

He got a chair on sat me down.

"Close your eyes," he instructed me. I closed them. He took my hands and placed them on my knees. I felt a tingle feeling in my stomach.

My heart was beating faster and a smile echoed off my glorious human face.

"Think about you walking to the water. Jumping and splashing. Having a jolly time walking on the sand."

I did as I was told and felt physically changed.

"Open your eyes."

As I did, I gasped. I was standing. My feet felt lively. The sand was soft and felt different under my foot palm.

"Walking is about balance. Left and right. One step at a time and one foot at a time. You can do this. Walk Azulea. Walk for me."

I attempted the first step and failed. I almost fell but he caught me.

"We should try this later," I suggested.

"Nope! You're not giving up so fast. Try again."

I did and took one step then one more then failed. Unfortunately I fell faced down in to the sand and rolled straight into the water.

"Azulea!" I heard him called. He came closer when he was close enough I grabbed his legs. He tumbled into the water with a splash.

"You," he said tickling me while I laughed.

"I was a mermaid," I said in between laughter, "I love water so I will never drown."

"Oh really?" he smirked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes really," I responded. We started playing a game of water splashing which was fun then all of a sudden....I felt like the world had stop.

The wind blew against my hair sending it in all direction. It was a cold windy day. Our eyes met which made my heart sparkle. It was so magically and I just wanted it forever.

He came closer to me holding my chin and tilting my head. My body responded in a corporative manner. His soft lips journeyed closer and closer to mine.

I closed my eyes in anticipation when I felt a splash of water and an erupt of laughter.

I'm sorry friends. I just had to do that! Besides you all were too addicted nevertheless a promise is a promise.

2 weeks later....

I walked slowly towards the sea as I had been doing since the last 3 days. I could actually walk. Williams had been a massive help which gave me enough confidence to walk and so I soon got it.

I sat on the sand and was soon joined by a handsome all too well known fellow.

"Are you still upset?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yes!" I responded playfully," How could you do that to me Williams?"

"You pulled me involuntarily into the water so I just had to get you back," he responded.

"No fair!" I started ranting but soon fell silent glaring at his hands on mine.

He interlocked our fingers which made fireworks exploded in my stomach. He took over me like a lightning bolt. He made me nervous and could silence me like the sound in the middle of the night. That's right nothing. 😔😂

"Do you remember our first kiss?" He asked staring into my eyes with his courageous eyes. Through the entire question I kept eyeing his lips.

"I do," I blushed.

He came a little closer and whispered into my ear.
"How about a second?" His breath held a fresh mint scent and felt icy on my skin. A line of goosebumps attacked my neck which gave me a chill.

His hands held both sides of my neck reaching up beneath my chin. We sat facing each other.

"I love you Azulea! I need you most. You've been my dream. You're my life. I never knew what love really was until I met you. You star my world and I hope to star yours too."

He drew nearer, closing the small distance between us. Our lips connected as they rubbed together in passionate friction. I felt so attracted like I was compelled to his body. The kiss was like the moon on a cloudless night so clear.

We pulled away after 20 seconds to catch our breaths before kissing several more times with pure passion and a vibrancy of quality romance.

"I have made some bad choices in the past but we're here now and I'm glad I fell in love with you Williams. You're kind, loving caring and supportive. I love you and I will never leave you. You too are my life and I hope to complete my happiest moments with you," I said holding his hands firmly.

And Peps! Romance was on a high and the addictive drug Love was doing good. It should be said that for the next several hours, Azulea and Williams two people destined to be lovers talked their future and their plans which is a secret I'm not allowed to share as yet.

There love was so powerful that I wish I could relate....oh but I can....After all I too I'm in love.....aren't We all? Surprise and I have one waiting for you in the next chapter....

Love you all,
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Here's a song I hope we all can relate to....
🎵I am in love with you.
You set me free.
I can't do this thing cause life without you here with me...
Cause I'm dangerously in love with you.
I will never leave just keep loving me the way you're loving me.🎵
💿Dangerously In Love by Beyoncé💿

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