Chapter 4-The bet

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Williams' POV

Do you know those people you don't want to be friends with but you have no other choice? They were those kind of person. It was like they were complete with each other and I was getting in the way. I remembered their names from class. The one at the far left corner was Tyler. He was black,tall and skinny. I could scene a little tension with him. He seemed like he wanted something. Like to use me. The one beside him was Andrew. He was short,brown and cubby. He was very obnoxious. He was the only one of the three that really wanted me there. The one beside me was Cory. He was black, average weight and height. He acted foolishly and loved to give jokes which I considered stupid.
"So what's up man?" Tyler asked me.
"I'm good," I replied taking a slice of my four piece pizza.
"Your from Kingston right?" Andrew questioned.
"Yeah but I'm living at West End," I answered. I could observe Tyler whispering something into Andrew's ear. I could tell by the way he was peeking at me from the corner of his eyes, that he was talking about me.
"So what are you good at?" Tyler asked after he finished whispering.
"Well alot of things but right now I'm focusing on learning to swim," I answered. He gave me a very strange look.
"Hahahaha! Like your any good!" Cory joked.
"Not really but I'm practicing," I said. I had the last slice of pizza in my hand about to eat it.
"Swimming is boring. What's so cool about that?" Tyler blurred out in a very rudish tone. I had my pizza in my mouth and almost choked on it.
"It's fun. I even met a m-" I stopped myself. I was just about to expose the mermaid secret.
"Hahahaha!" Cory laughed," You should have seen your face. You were choking like your some old ugly dog." He mimicked a dog. I was starting to get alittle uncomfortable being around them.
"Guys I'm going to go use the bathroom," Tyler said.

Strangely, all of them got up and agreed on going. They left the cafeteria with me alone at the table. 2 minutes passed and they hadn't returned. I was somethings very impatient and this was one of the times. Since I had learnt already where the bathroom was I headed to it.

I stopped in front of the closed door. I could hear laughter and chanting coming from inside. I knew it wasn't always a good thing to eardrop but I did anyways.
"He's rich," Tyler said," We could use him up!"
"Yeah!" Cory agreed.
"He's a nice kid. Why would you do that? I thought we were going to be friends with him," Andrew said.
"Who cares? It's ok if it's just the three of us. Let's just hang around him," Tyler said.
"I don't like this idea at all," Andrew said. I knew they were talking about me but I couldn't help but smile. They were conversing in English. I could actually understand everything.
"C'mon man!" Tyler exclaimed,"We could make a bet with him and when he lose take all of his money and ditch his bitchass."
"I don't-" Andrew said but stopped when I opened the door. I could see a hint of surprise in Tyler's face when I burst through the door.
"Hey man!" he said trying to hide his unkindness. I gave him a smile like I didn't hear their conversation at all. I knew they met no good.
"Hey! You guys were taking so long and I had to come and use the bathroom," I lied. I washed my hands as they stared at me.

They started conversing again but in patios. I knew it was on purpose. Suddenly the conversation stopped.
"Hey Williams!" Tyler said.
"I was wondering if I could borrow a $ 100 Ja. From you?" he asked he was stuttering,"I losted my fair."
"Oh!" I said faking sympathy,"I would but guess what? I didn't bring much money since it's the first day of school."
"Oh!" I smiled. If I hadn't over heard their conversation, I would have given him with no doubt. I'm really kind and generous. I don't ever worry about money dispite the fact my dad didn't have enough now since my mom died. I wanted to walk away from them but I could hear her soft sweet voice telling me,
"You can do this!"

I observed Tyler exchanging a glare with Andrew.
"Hey you know what would be cool?" Andrew asked me. I was wondering how they were getting so comfortable being in the bathroom. No one seemed to be coming in here or not much students.
"We could make a bet!" Tyler suggested to the conversation. So you can take all my money.
"That sounds like a nice idea," I said faking a smile. I couldn't believe they thought I was so naive.
"But what would we bet about?" Cory asked.

What I did next I wished I didn't. I said something that I never knew who haunt me in the future.
"Let's bet on-" Tyler was starting to say when I cut him.
"Hey! If I told you mermaids exist would you believe me?" I asked. I mentally cursed when I realized my mistake. They all laughed. Especially Tyler,he was happy with my mistake.
"They do!" I exclaimed.
"Non sense!" Andrew exclaimed.
"Let's bet on that!" Cory suggested.
"If you can find enough evidence that mermaids and mermen exist by the end of September,we will give you 20 Us dollars each," Tyler said.
"What If I don't?" I asked.
"Then you will have to pay us 40 dollars each," Tyler said unfairly.
"That's unfair!" I admitted.
"Fine!" he sighed. He thought I would just fall for that one.
"25 each?" Andrew suggested, earning a glare from Tyler. I mentally worked out that in my mind.
25×3 = 75.
75×120=9000 dollars.
"I can work with that," I lied. I mentally cursed. Where was I suppose to find such money? But then I remembered I couldn't lose.
"Deal?" They questioned.
"Deal!" I replied.

I regretted this alot. I promised Azulea I wouldn't tell anyone and here I did. I had to tell her that I did. The last two periods of half an hour came and went very quickly. I had Communication first ;then Journal writing. The three of them moved their seats right next to mine by the end of my first day. As soon as the dismissal bell rang I left with Dad who came to pick me up.

Azulea The MermaidOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara