Chapter 6-Bruk up

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Williams' POV

Monday 8:05 September 10,2018

The bell rang signalling the beginning of school. I was in class getting ready for my first period. All my classmates were chatting away. Ever since I won that bet Tyler treated me like shit. He hated me even more. They hardly spoke to me. Luckily I managed to make 2 other friends. Adam and Jody. They were really nice. They exchanged seat with Tyler and Cory which was a good thing. Adam was alittle tall, black and muscular build. Jody was average height, light skin with long hair. I always adored her for it. It was always neatly comb down.
"Good morning class," Mrs Thompson greeted the class,"I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend." She started discussing the weekly schedule but by then everyone was busy chatting with their friends.
"Hey Williams!" Adam called. He was seated in front of me in the 3rd row.
"Hey man!" I responded.
"Yo when Lunch time comes come hangout at our table. We're friends man!" We did a pro hug. He was the best.

Before the first teacher could come and begin First period, I went to the bathroom. In the hallway,I saw Jody. She saw me.
"Hey Jody," I greeted. She embraced me.
"Hi!" she responded. We talked alittle before I headed to the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom I bucked up into Tyler. I could feel the uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. He sees me and smiles.
"That mermaid was really cool," he said. I smiled and nodded my head. He just stood there.
"I would want to meet her myself," he said.
"Well sorry to break it to you but you can't meet her," I informed him.
"I can do what I want," he said before pushing me against the wall. He smirked at himself. I was so surprised that I didn't even know how to react. I headed into the toilet and used it. I opened the wooden door and washed my hand. Strangely he was still there. It was like he was challenging me. I just got here a few weeks ago and I didn't want to make a bad expression so instead of fighting him I departed the bathroom in silence. I had an idea for later.

When I got back to class the Maths teacher was just entering. He was a weird guy. He always have a box of bananas with him and ate them during class. Class started and I take notes while he teaches. We were learning about complicated Algebra. When I was living in Kingston that was my favorite topic in Mathematics but since I got here things changed. When his period ended,the next 1 period came by pretty good.

When it was survival class, I skipped it for 20 mins. I had a plan about Tyler and I told it to Adam. He promised to cover for me. I entered the cafeteria. There was no adults around which was a good thing. I surveyed the tables until I spotted Tyler's chair. I was going to embarrass him.

After completing my work, I returned to survival class. Today we were learning how to cook in the forest.
"Class! This is a method of survival. If you get lost in the woods then it's good if you can cook,"Mr Morris said,"Tyler why don't you demonstrate to us?"
While he was passing by Cory I observed him doing something to Andrew which made me smile. Cory wasn't such a good friend and to top it off he seemed like he played jokes on anyone even Tyler.

As Tyler lighted the fire his clothing caught fire. He screamed while the entire class laughed. I could see how disappointed Mr Morris was.
"Fire!" he squealed. I exchanged glares with Adam. He winked at me. Strike one for my team! When I returned my attention to Tyler he was in a pond of water completely soaked.
"Tyler Gordon! I'm very disappointed in you!" Mr Morris said his face was red angry,"You have detention after school! Go get your self cleaned up."

The bell rang and we returned to class for English Period. Tyler was no where to be seen in this period and I assumed he was still cleaning up.
"Good morning class," Our English teacher said. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was 7 minutes passed 11.
"Today we will be doing drama. You will read this novel and then I will pair you up in groups for a project. You will make a dramatic short video to be played in class. I don't care how you reach to your teammate's house but get it done at home."
I sighed. I only hoped I got paired with the right person. We read the novel and at 11:30, the teacher started pairing. Jody got Tyler and she whispered something to me.
"I'm gonna kick his ass." she was all into his little game.

The grouping continued with Andrew getting Cory. Adam getting one of my classmate I don't know that well and I getting Andrew. I mentally kicked myself. He was kinda a good person but their behavior sometimes reflected on him.
"So you come over my house or I come over yours?" he asked. I didn't want him at my house because he already knew too much about Azulea. I didn't want things to get out of hand. Then I didn't want to go to his house but it was the best option.
"I will come to your house,"I said.
"How about today after school?"
"Sure!" I said. Anything to get this over with.

The Lunch bell rang and we headed to the cafeteria. I smiled at what was to happened by the end of lunch time. Today I ordered Burger and fries with a 7 up. I sat with Adam and Jody.
"Guys!" Jody said looking across at Tyler's table. I glanced over there. He was in a black clothing.
"Fits him well," Adam said digging into his pizza.
"I totally agreed," Jody said. She was only drinking some water.
"Where's your lunch?" I asked her.
"I forgot my lunch money," she said.
"Aren't you hungry?"
I looked around at the lunch line. It was really short. I exposed some money from my pocket.
"Dang Man!" Adam exclaimed earning some glares from the students in the cafeteria.
"Where you got some much money from?" Jody inquired.
"Long story! But use it to get something to eat," I told her.
"Your very generous!"

I spotted Tyler glaring at us. He was upset about me just giving my money to a real friend. He was getting up to launch over our table when his worst nightmare happened. His black trousers ripped and exposed his naked butt. He used his hand to shield his dick while screaming like a little girl. The entire cafeteria erupted in laughter. He was so embarrassed that he quickly ran out of the cafeteria. I smiled at Adam. Strike two for my team. We secretly tumps up each other.

Azulea's POV

Same Day 4:00pm

I couldn't see Williams coming and ever since Friday things have been going a little shitty. I sat by a king fish while eating some seaweed. I felt a bitter urge when I remembered what happened Friday.
After Williams left I bruked up into the two bitch Mermaid twin sister.
"Well! Well!" Coralla said while Alana snickered.
"If it isn't Azuela," Alana added.
"Hey guys!" I said acting innocent.
"We saw you communicating with that human,"Alana said smartly.
"And it's forbidden. We're going to tell on you," Coralla added. Shit!
"No need!" I said," I will tell on myself!" I wasn't going to give them the advantage in this situation.
"Really? I can't wait," Coralla said with a laugh.
"Me too! The council will get you thrown out of the Mermaid land."
I swam away from them. Luck wasn't on my side and I couldn't tell Queen Adella about Williams. I didn't even know what to do. I decided to let it die out.
*Flashback over

Unfortunately, what was to happened in the coming weeks were the most horrific times in my life. The secret wasn't going to die out. It was going to be deathly revealed.

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