Chapter 26- Trouble

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Hello Peps! You can't say I never warned you. If there is one thing in all stories is Trouble! This one word is like an object in it's own meaning like a God because it comes in so many different forms, persons, shapes, sizes etc.... And unfortunately friends, was going to great the worst of times....So probably I shouldn't waste time troubling you any more cause after all you have bigger crisis to fix.

External Narrating...
February 12,2019 6:45

Adella turned slowly in her king size bed as the morning sun rays glared upon her face. She gradually opened her eyes but she didn't want to get up just yet.

Suddenly she heard some sounds in her bathroom. She got up out of the bed. Scattering from the soft beautiful green sheet.

The bathroom had 2 entries. One from the hall and one from her bedroom. She entered to see Asia combing her hair with her comb.

Asia was short and slim with black long curly hair reaching down her back. At this moment she was wearing a blue strap dress and was so occupied combing down her hair that she didn't even notice Adella standing hands folded.

"What are you doing in here? Why didn't you use the guest bathroom?" Adella asked making her presence known.

"Oh I'm sorry," Asia responded a little startled in British accent,"I suppose I woke you up. You see Azulea sent me in here to use the bathroom since Gina was using the guest bathroom."

Adella process what Asia said but it failed to connect because Azulea well knew that she didn't like people using her bathroom.

"Okay then," Adella responded with a subtle smile meeting Asia's round blue eyes.

After Asia left the bathroom,Adella brushed her long straight black hair which was messy from her sleep. After a few brushes she exited the bathroom and went to Azulea's room.

"Why did you tell Asia she could use my bathroom? You know I hate people using my bathroom," Adella questioned.

"Who told you this again?" Azulea responded her small round green eyes glaring at Adella confused.

Friends! Destiny is a word which once I heard meant your action determines your payment in other words; whatever you do or say always brings back a reaction.

I'm going to show you 2 scenarios which could have changed the destiny of this story but unfortunately only the worst one would....

Now if Adella had responded:

"Asia! I'm beginning to get suspicious of her."

Then Azulea would have said:

"Me too. I never told her that!"


"I think we should start looking into her. Her activities are weird and odd."

Unfortunately, this was what Adella responded:

"It doesn't matter!" she snapped at her daughter in law. "I told your rustyness that I didn't want those things in my house."

"Huoaa!" Azulea gasped, "I'm rusty look at your clothes so old. They are my friends facing a crisis and I'm the freaking prime minister. What is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me! You are the one acting stupid Azulea. If I were the prime minister-"

"If you were the prime minister what?" Azulea said at the top of her lungs screaming at Adella,"You would shoot your worthlessness so as to make Jamaica a better place."

Peps! One choice, one decision can change the course of history as noted above. On my watch it's 7:30 and even 10 mintues to 10 they were still fighting it became so intense that this happen....

"What's wrong with you both!" Williams asked irritated by their childish behaviour," It has been 2 freaking hours of you both screaming at each other for nothing."

At that moment Azulea left the room taking in deep breaths but those quickly slowed as she glimpsed Asia packing her bag.

"What are you doing?" Azulea asked her.

"I'm packing. I can't be destroying your family like this. I will go and find a hotel," Asia smiled as two tears roll down her cheeks.

"Awww!" Azulea said,"You would do this for me? But you can't. It's just a simple misunderstanding. You have to be here. Remember you're my wedding planner."

If only it was a simple misunderstanding. That was proven false by noon when this happen.

"How could you!" Adella screamed at Azulea who was working on a project on her laptop. "After I forgave you! You throw dirt into my bed."

"You have some nerves coming here interrupting my work for foolishness."

"Please! I don't know how your useless thing get Prime Minister! They must have been drunk," Adella responded with a laugh of pleasure.

"Get out!" Azulea screamed at her.

"You will pay Azulea!"

With that Adella left the room. As she did, Azulea's phone rang.

"Could you come down to the office?" Isabelle inquired urgently.

"I will try. Is everything alright?"

"Well I was trying to schedule your meeting with one of the Jones but it's hard. I think you have to do it directly and I'm afraid you have a urgent board meeting with several members of parliament.

"I will be right there," she said hanging up.

She quickly took a shower then packed her laptop in her bag. With her blonde hair neatly combed down, she dressed herself in a black blazer and a flared black pants.

"Babe," she said to Williams who was reading Fashion Magazine.

"Yes my love," he said turning his attention to her.

"I'm sorry about what happened this morning I will make it right later."

"Okay! Where are you off to?"

"I have to go to work urgently. I love you," she kissed him on his lips before rushing out the house.

She unlocked her Blue Addi A1 casually entering it then swiftly driving to Gordon House.

The traffic was considerably light which allowed Azulea to reach her destination quickly. She parked in the parking lot which was surprisingly almost full already.

"Hey Isabelle," Azulea said as she entered the reception.

"Hey Ma'ma," Isabelle responded from behind the desk,"The meeting is the conference room. Go!"

The meeting was going all so well with all the MP's given reasonable inputs on different sectors of the government. Some highlights were crime, pollution and poverty.

Suddenly Isabelle interrupted the meeting with a message for Azulea that really cost shits to go down.

"Excuse me," she said, "I got your mother in law on line 2. I think your bedroom caught on fire. It's important."

"I'm sorry I probably have to go," I said to everyone. "These are some reasonable inputs that I will personally review. I want each MP to work on reducing all 3 highlighted points in their communities. Try working together with the members of the community."

I rushed out to the front desk where Isabelle gave me the phone.

"Sweet heart," Adella said in a voice all too obvious that she did something wrong,"It was only an accident."

"What did you do?" Azulea asked firecely while trying to remain calm.

"I might've accidentally burn up all the things in your room," she uttered a laugh as Azulea hanged up.

Oh brother! I'm afraid we have reach the end of this chapter but never fear another awaits you! Another fill with sweet Jamaican drama which will leave it unforgettable. See You 😏

Azulea The MermaidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon