Chapter 17- Destruction

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Hey Peps! Welcome back, Well for this chapter look carefully at everything because with everything that's going to happen 1 thing will be in common in every part....

Adam's POV
December 20,2018 11:16

I was in prison and the only person in it. My tail was cuffed in a chain with a large ball. The room was extremely cold and I was in an anchor.

"Come you have a visitor," the guard said releasing the tail cuff. He then placed an electric cuff around my neck.

In the visiting room, she sat.

"I see you have reached the sea," I said with a smile.

"Sit down fool," she snapped. I sat down as she glared angrily at me. "You were to marry her so that she would get distracted and by that we get the crown."

"I might have compromised that already," I said avoiding her eyes.

"I'm going to get you out of her. Find her sister and see what help we can drive out of her."

"Yes ma'ma"

"And other thing call me Queen because that's what I'm gonna be in a few days."

With that she swam out of the prison as they ushered me back to my cell.

External Narrating

Azuleo combed her natural black hair down. Her mother Bella had arrived from the other village.

"Now mother I will go as myself to talk to that criminal Adam so I can distract him and find out what he's up to. You are going to get that crown," she said to her mother.

Azulea made muffled sounds in disagreement. Out of angry Azuleo ripped the seaweed from her mouth.

"Oh dear sister," Azuleo said deviously, "I almost forgot. Williams! Now I have to go to him as you but I can't take any drama so I am breaking off all relations with him."

"You better not!" Azulea screamed at her.

"Shut up!" Azuleo snapped back at her uttering curse words at her. "You're were a fool to let your feelings tangled. And you know something else he was about to tell you about how he felt. How much love he had for you. But Commitment! Commitment! Commitment brought you to Adam and then my trap."

"You will never get away with this Azuleo!" Azuela said disgusted.

"I already have," she laughed, "Haven't I mother?"

"Yes Princess," Bella said adjusting her long hair.

"I see you both later," Azuleo said, "please do kill each other."

She then met with Adam who was now freed. "I heard your party got crashed."

"It did."

"I'm here to offer you a deal. I want in and what ever you're planning."

"Okay I want the crown for a friend."

Azuleo smiled outside but inside she wanted to kill him. He wanted the crown too but he's not getting it.

"It's a deal," Azuleo said. "I will see later and I would love to meet your boss."

"In short time Azuleo."

Well I hope Peps! You have discovered that one common thing because the next scenario will be anything but common.

Azulea's POV

Same Day 13:26

And by Azulea we mean Azuleo in her identity.

I went to meet with Williams. He was at the coral reefs. His hands were relaxed to his side. I sat down as he turned to notice my presence.

"Oh Azulea," he said as I smiled.

"Yes Williams," I responded,"I have to confess something to you."

"I have something to tell you too," he said noticeable nervous.

"I don't love you," I said, "I will never love you and thanks to your show my wedding was ruin. I don't want you to talk to me ever again and please here is just not your place so just go."

For a brief moment, he glanced away processing the words. When his eyes met back with mine. He smiled which looked like a force smile.

"Have a good night Azulea," he said and swam away.

I slowly swam back home where Bella was no where to be seen.

"Where's mother?" I asked in rage. Azulea met with my eyes but didn't respond.

"Oh you don't plan to talk," I said with a devilious smile. "Well when I tell you this great story you will be talking."

I sat on the sand in front of her. Her hair was a mess unlike my neat one which was a complete reflection of hers.

"Well I went to meet the love of your life but I accidentally confessed that your were not in love with him oops!" With every word I said my malicious smile extended. "Unbreak my heart," I sang acting pity, "say you love me again."

I playfully took up a sharp knife and a sea star.

"You're foolish Azulea," I screamed at her. "You are foolish to trust people so much. You're stupid not to have gotten rid of Adam as he came back into your life."

"Why did you do that?" she asked uttering her first sentence since this conversation began. Her voice was in distress and her eyes were wet with tears.

"Why I did that?" I asked laughing, "I'm sly! But he was mostly getting in the way. His mother was the damn Queen so I couldn't get the crown so easily with acting your fake romance. Look at the brighter picture aleast I get to be his friend still oh oops! That's not the brighter picture."

"Noooo!" Azulea screamed uttering serial sequences of curse words.

"Guess your not the good one after all." I cackled crazily.

Well here goes that love story! And these things shouldn't be taken lightly because they always happen at the most unplanned time. Well on to more stranger things. 😏

External Narrating.

"Have you done as I asked Adam?" she questioned.

"I did!" Adam said.

She lightly touched her short hair moving around in the room.

"You know something," she started.

"Yes D-" Adam responded but she cut him off.

''Call me Queen cause that's what I'm about to become. Kneel down Adam."

He did as he was told. "Yes Queen!"

"In a few days," she continued, "I will rule this village and by then all mermaids and mermen will be transferred into humans. It will be a law change. Oh just in a few days. And Adam please get in touch with Azuleo."

The room was an anchor not too far from the castle. It was made of iron but had a funnel material at the entrance which allowed no water to enter despite it being so far under water.

She took off her fake mermaid body revealing her soft body. She was in a short dress 3 inches above her knee. In the anchor was a bed, a small table and human food but most importantly a picture of the crown.

"Oh my love," she said staring at the picture, " I want you so badly."

Oh brother, anything can be your lover now a days. These are 2 lovers of 1 crown. Well bye Peps! Don't go far because we have a party to star which will be unforgettable.

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