Chapter 19- Love Never Lies

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Hello Peps! If you say love never lies then you're lying. Love is a drug as a friend once told me, it's addictive. You hang on, you never let go. It does good and bad. It lies and it tells the truth.

I wonder if Azuela & Williams fall in a category above? While I keep thinking you all dig in to this chapter which happens over the time period of 3 Days (Dec.29 - Dec. 31).

Adam's POV

Day 1 6:00

The sea was chilly. I rose above the water as Azuleo loaded the plastic legs under the water.

"How much do we need?" I asked Queen.

"205 will be enough for now."

"I will count off."

"Lets move a little faster!" Azuleo shouted above the water.

The legs were made in all different shapes and sizes with different shade of skin colour to match the mermaids.

As we loaded the anchor with them, I kept a watchful eye out for any mermaid or merman.

The sun was soon glimmering in the sky with it's early morning glory. As my skin touched the wet sand on the shore it stick lightly on it.

I made sure of my body was above the water with the other half carefully hidden under the sparkling blue.

Azuleo and I sped up our work speed so as to reduce the amount when the mermaids were up for the daily meeting.

"Okay we only need 15 more. 1 of all the different shade of skin colour,"Azuleo announced.

When the last of those were loaded, I laid front way down on the sand with Azuleo curved up exposing her sexy shape and her beatuified tail.

Her black hair spread wide in the sand as she was lying back way down.

Queen was sitting on the edge of the trailer eating some ackee and saltfish.

"Could you pass me my fry dumpling?" I asked her. She threw a dish which landed on the sand beside me.

"You should try this," I told Azuleo, "Jamaican food is 50 zillion times better than mermaid food."

"Is it braver than you for being so scared to put your tail on land?" Azuleo asked seducingly.

"You think I'm not brave?" I smirked,"Why don't you do this?"

I flipped back into the water, sinking for a little bit before rising with full force speed hitting the water surface. As I flied above the water, I did a front flip and landed head way back into the water.

I then climbed back on the sand smirking as Azuleo rolled her eyes pulling at her black hair.

William's POV
Day 2 7:48

"Williams could you pass me the salt?" someone said distantly.


I came from my thoughts remembering where I was. I was at Diana's hut and we were having breakfast.

"Where are you lost now a days?" Diana asked shaking her head.

"It's just I have this feeling inside that Azulea isn't Azulea," I responded.

"That doesn't make any sense if Azulea isn't Azulea then who is?" I watched her as she thought this through.

"Azuleo!" we both said at the same time.

"How can we be sure this is true?" Diana questioned.

"Love never lies," I responded smiling.

"Please!" she said rolling her eyes,"You believe that statement? You're crazy."

As crazy as the love cycle in this book 😔😂😂😂 "Love Never Lies" what a myth! But could it be true in this situation? Oh right silly me you guys already know the answer to this one. 😊

External Narrating...

"Let's review our suspicions," Williams said drinking the legendary water, "Azuleo has been hardly seen about. She hasn't visited us in days. Azuela is acting weird, talking different and doing the exact opposite of her usual self."

"Only thing in common," Diana added, "She looks physically like her usual self and feelings comes and go."

Oh yes Peps! A friend taught me that... You no what scratch that my best friend told: Feelings come and go. And you know what he's right. Is it the case here? Oh man you guys are no fun? You know all the things about Azuleo and Azulea already. 😭

"So you better be sure she feels the same about you or love does lie and also I will kick your..." Diana continued.

"Well let's go find her," Williams said a smile tugging at his lips.

Which brings us here...36 hrs later (Day 3 19:48)

"I can't believe we haven't found her at all," Williams said frustrated.

"And the New Year party is about to start in 12 minutes," Diana said in distress.

They had searched the castle, several huts including Azulea's, the coral reefs, the singing mermaid section and around hidden section of the village.

"Where haven't we search yet?" Williams asked both out of and in thoughts.

And friends at that moment as if a ray of destiny, his eyes landed on the one place they hadn't. Here I note to myself that maybe, just maybe love doesn't lie.

They stood in front of the guest hut which housed Azuleo and Bella. Careful ensuring that they are not seen, they entered the hut.

Inside was very dark and quiet. Too quiet if you asked me.

"Azulea?" They called into the darkness.

As first it was a pitch of silence. Not even the sea was heard.

"Azulea?" Silence....

Then at the third called, They both heard a muffled scream coming from below. They bent down to find Azulea tied up to the seabed.

She was pale and looked thin but she was elated to be find. As Williams removed the tape what she said next would change all our life forever.

I should probably warn you that you're about to identify that stranger woman seeking revenge.

"There's no time! Azuleo is planning to steal the crown so her mother can become Queen," Azulea said out of breath.


"And that's not the only thing. Your aunty Durga is planning a surgery ring for the village and she needs the crown too."

"Oh my god!" Diana said.

"They are going to murder Adella."

"Let's get to that party," Williams said his eyes wide in terror.

Durga?😱😨 Why is it always that one person you think it wouldn't be? Aleast we know one think love didn't lie now but who knows when it will. Bye Peps, see you all next chapter....

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