5 ~ potion problems

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I just wanted to say thank you for the 1K reads! That in like 4 chapters! It shows me that you all like this story! I can also see it by the support I've been getting. You guys are awesome.

Thanks again and enjoy the chapter!

You were standing against the wall in the potion classroom. The lights were always slightly dimmed but you could see the tables on which you had to make the potions.

In front of you was professor slughorn. Next to him was a table. On the table 3 potions were lined up. You held your books and watched more students come in. Hermione was already standing behind you. Draco and his group arrived last before slughorn started.

'Welcome everyone! As you all know by now, I am professor Slughorn. I will be teaching you potions this year. We will start by examining these potions-'

Harry and Ron walked in at that moment. They told you they weren't going to follow potions..  Slughorn turned around. Hermione sighed and shook her head. Harry and Ron weren't the kind of people to arive late.

'Ah.. Harry, My boy, I was beginning to worry! Brought someone with you I see.'

'Ron Weasley, sir.'

You saw lavender in the corner of your eyes. She was staring at Ron. You had no idea what the deal with her and Ron was. All you could see was that Hermione shot her a look.

'But I'm terrible at potions... so I'm probably just gonna-'

Harry blocked Rons path to the door and turned him around. It was true.. Ron wasn't the best potion maker. It was mostly because he never payed attention.. Not that that was any different from all the other classes he attended.

'Nonsense! We'll taught you out, every friend of Harry is a friend of mine. Get your books out.'

Slughorn started turning back around.

'Uhm sir.. I actually don't have my book yet and nor does Ron.' Harry said.

'Not to worry, go get yourself one from the cupboard. Now, as I was saying I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?'

Hermione immediately raised her hand. No one was surprise. She always knew the answers.

'Yes.. miss...'

'Granger, sir.' She said.

She stepped forwards and looked at the potions, examining them so make sure she have the right answer.

'That one there.. is Veritaserum. It's a truth telling serum.' She said while pointing at one of the potions.

'And that one.. is-'

Everyone looked up as they saw the two boys fighting near the cupboard. What was that about? So childish. When they finally stopped she could continue.

'And this one.. is quite tricky to make. It's Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumoured to smell different to each person according to what attracts them. For example I smell..'

Hermione stepped closer and smelled the potion. She took awhile before saying what she smelled.

'Freshly mowed grass.. parchment and peppermint toothpaste.'

She quickly stepped back while looking at the boys. Those smells reminded you of someone but you couldn't remember who.

'Now, Amortentia doesn't create actual love. That would be impossible.' Slughorn continued.

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