Chapter 4: Reign of Thunder

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Prince Silowree's POV:

I got astounded by Cryptographer Ahndrea's request, and I for one, am really grateful that my sister agreed to my consent. It was unfair, mainly I was older than her, though she always scolds me like I'm her little brother.

In any case, I was airborne. The clouds hovered haziness in them, sounds of thunder grumbling at its greatest extent. How I missed using this, how I missed manipulating natural phenomena. Although it's rather odd than the other Crusader's weapons, I grew fond of using it. It was my semblance. Semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual, with the effects varying greatly from user to user.

My eyes glanced its way in every direction, seeking the city that I was assigned to go to. Once I saw large buildings north-east from where I was on high, and the visibility of the enormous biohazard, I directed immediately. The sound of thunder growled righteously and made its way to the entire city. Streaks of lightning struck down to each pavement it hits. The ten Crusaders were alarmed by my presence and made their way to where I landed.

I saw Valorium's unconscious body lying down next to Smith, who was guarding her from the fatal attacks of the biohazard. Nevertheless, I created them a force field which shields them from the biohazard's assaults.

"Who sent you here?" Macsinner shook her head at her feigned displeasure. I know that she doesn't like backups, and she does things by her reckless decisions, just similar to the present activities, may somewhat be successful, but mostly, fails at her further efforts.

"The HQ sent me." I barged in and looked at the biohazard. Disappointment struck me at its finest. I was expecting more than what I am looking at right now, but then, it was just a mere level four biohazard. Even so, I suppose I was lucky I wasn't cramped up in some cell beneath the city, without the source of electricity, and accompanied by nothing just rotten scent and dirt.

As if that would relax me, I came up afloat again in the air. The storm gusted vigorously throughout the atmosphere, thunder and lightning were again distinct from the gloomy glisten from the dark streets. My eyes glinted electricity as I wielded my hands under my chest.

Every brute force was absorbed inside my palms which produced an orb of electricity that twisted and swirled through the air. Turning a corner, I released the orb from my hands and controlled its way to the biohazard. There it divided into a multitude of orbs until it created a circular field around it. The biohazard was puzzled by the presence of the orbs around it. It tried to get out from the field but each and every time it did, the larger the amount of the orbs are added.

The orbs then released its stored energy and electrocuted the whole biohazard. It screeched when electricity struck its body. It was an ear sore. The ground trembled when the biohazard crashed the floor, breaking each pavement. 

"Well, that was easy." I heaved on a buoyant sigh. I went back to Macsinner's party, and it was when reality hit me. I was between the thoughts of reprimanding Macsinner's noncompliance, or I'll just leave it to the higher ruling classes.

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