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Do you know the last time we all attended Easter Sunday church as a family? Never, all I can say is God knew this Easter is a special one. I woke up this morning and decided to make Dansby and Kinsley's favorite, cinnamon French toast and bacon. I slipped out of bed trying my best not to wake Dansby. Both dogs trotted behind me as I made my way down the steps to the kitchen.

Reaching the bottom I let the dogs out into our huge fenced in backyard. Heading into the kitchen I turn on some country music to listen to while I'm cooking. As I was cooking the final piece of bacon Star of the Show by Thomas Rhett comes on.

"Ease on up, order a drink, barkeep says its all on me, You look at me and laugh, Like you don't know what to do, Baby you're so cute." I sing along quietly dancing around a little bit.

I jump when cold hands slide up under the rim of my shirt meeting my hip. "Cause everywhere we go girl you're the star of the show, And everybody's wondering and wanting to know whats your name? Who's that girl, with the prettiest smile in the world?" Dansby's raspy voice  sings in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

What really got me though was when he brought his hands around my front and rested them on my still flat stomach. "Morning." He mumbles kissing my cheek.

"Good morning super star." I answer turning around and giving him a proper kiss before returning to the bacon.

"Mhm this smells so good." He hums reaching out for a piece of bacon, only to pull his hand away when I smack it.

"Nope not until it's all ready." I scold making him pout. He retreats to the other counter leaning against it and watching me. "Will you do me a favor? Can you grab Kinsley's Easter basket out of the coat closet?" I ask looking up from the food.

"Yea, where should we put it?" He asks walking over and pulling out the big hidden basket.

"Just put it on the table." I say flipping the last piece of bacon off. 

Dansby does as I said placing the over the top Easter basket on the table. It was a customized one with her name embroidered on it full of candy, toys, books and a stuffed bunny. "Why are we so extra?" Dansby laughs wrapping an arm around my waist as I place the food on the table.

"Who knows. Now let's go wake our little girl because all this cooking has me starving." I laugh pulling out of his grip to go up stairs.

Dansby waits downstairs while I go into Kinsley's. "Rise and shine Kins." I say shaking her lightly.

With a few more shakes her blue eyes were popping open. "Bunny come?" She mumbles rubbing her eyes.

I chuckle shrugging. "I don't know, why don't you run down stairs and see." With that she pushed her covers back and jumped out of bed.

"Daddy did easther bunny come?" She yells running down the steps. "Mommy he did!" She cheers when she reached the bottom of the steps.

Shaking my head make my way slowly down the steps. When I get to the bottom I see her pulling everything out. "Chocolate." She licks her lips hungrily as she goes to open the pack.

"Oh no you don't short stuff." Dansby scoops her up placing her in a chair at the kitchen table. "Breakfast first. Momma made our favorite."

"Ohhh thank you Mommy!" She squeals.

"No problem sweetie." I smile kissing her head. "Do you want syrup?" I ask. She nods her head making me grab some and prepare her food.

"Hey Kins wanna go get mommy's Easter basket?" I look up confused.

"What?" I question.

"You're basket mommy." Kinsley giggles jumping out of her chair. Kinsley disappears into the other room before running back in with a basket that had Taegan embroider on the front much like Kinsley's had.

Inside was LOTS of candy, a new pair of Diff sunglasses, some bath bombs, a new coffee mug that said "mombie (noun) an exhausted mother that feeds on coffee and survives on wine", an electric blanket and 2 Alex and Ani bracelets one was a Braves one and the other had a cross on it. "These are great thank you guys so much." I kiss Kinsley's head then give Dansby a kiss.

Kinsley looked up at me excitedly. "Can I get daddy's now?" She asked. When I nod she jumps up again going to get the one I made for Dansby.

"Now tell me how she kept it a secrete that we both got each other gifts?" Dansby laughs as Kinsley runs back in.

"I'm afraid we've raised a sneaky child." I laugh as she pushes his up on the table.

I had put Dansby's stuff in a new backpack I got him for road trips. Inside I put a new Falcons limited edition hat, a new Falcons shirt, candy, sunflower seeds and a pass for him and the guys to hit up Top Golf.

"This is great thanks babe." Dansby smiles kissing me.

"We go church now?" Kinsley asks looking up from her empty plate.

"After we get you dressed yes." I say scooping her up into my arms. I was thankful it was warm today because the dress Kinsley picked out was spaghetti straps.

The Easter service is always one of my favorite services because it reminds you why we're all really here. I honestly had such a proud mom moment when Kinsley sat through the entire sermon listening. Not once did she asks to draw or lay down, she sat up and paid attention the whole time.

After church we headed home so I could pick up the food I was bring and the dogs before heading over to Nancy and Cooter's house. We also decided now to sit Kinsley down and explain to her what was happening.

"Am I in trouble?" Her bottom lip trembled as we sat her on the couch.

I shake my head sitting next to her. "No of course not sweetie. Mommy and daddy just want to tell you something."

"What is it?" She asks curiously.

"Ok what is something that you have always wanted?" Dansby asked starting it off.

"Uhhhh pony?" She grins making Dansby and I laugh.

"Nooo you silly girl." He chuckles pulling her into his lap. "What did you ask for after you met Austin." Dansby asked referring to Lane Adams new baby.

"A baby!" She squealed.

"That's right and guess what?" I say leaning forward. Kinsley looked up at me expectantly. "There's a baby in mommy's tummy right now." I point to my belly as Kinsley stares at me mesmerized.

"How'd it get there?" She questions, a look of excitement still on her face.

"God put it there. You're going to have a little brother or sister soon." I say. Kinsley let's out an excited giggle and claps her hands.

"I get a baby!" She cheers making Dansby and I laugh.

"Yes you do." Dansby nods kissing her head. "But Mimi, Pawpaw, Nana, and Papa don't know yet so we have to keep it a secret ok?"

Kinsley covers her mouth giggling again. "I love secrets."

"You're a mess Kinsley Grace." I shake my head at her. Well one down 10 more to tell.

Can we just imagine how funny Lane Adams kid would be when it got older😂that man cracks me up on Twitter

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