Studying - Stefan

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Right knew you are studying for the exams that will determine if you'll get into the college you want and you are stressed out if your mind. You have been revising for hours in end every night and you haven't been able to see your boyfriend for a while because you have been locked away in your room. So when he suggested for you guys to study together you said yes, because you could kill two birds with one stone: study and see your boyfriend.

You got about an hour in, you both were studying Bio and you were writing down notes when you felt arms wrap around your waist you smiled
"Hey I'm trying to study, I wanna do well"
"I know but I love you" he said as he started kissing your neck.
"Please Stefan these are important to me, I can't compel my way into college" you say and move away from him and you look for other books. You realise you sounded harsh
"Look I'm sorry Stef, I knew we haven't seen each other recently but I really wanna get good grades.but once they're all over you have me all to yourself"
He nods and smiles and he pulls you into a hug, then pulls away and looks into your eyes
"I know that Y/N but you also need a break every once's in a while. Come on, let's just relax ok?" You nodded reluctantly and you sat on youth bed. You two just talked and laughed, catching up. And maybe did some other stuff to.

Sorry it's so bad and short
Who would you rather have a threesome with the Salvatores or the Mikaelsons??

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