Be Careful (43)

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"Killed myself or gotten killed? And like all time or since the war started?" She asked him, making Angelina and Lee raise their eyebrows.

"Killed yourself and all-time." He answered, watching as Juliet put on her thinking face. She looked as if she were counting for a moment before answering.

"Thirty. Five of which were death eaters when they tried to snatch me up." She said,

"You've killed thirty people?" Lee asked in shock.

"I thought it'd be more." George said to himself.

"I work with the muggle police, Lee. I have since I was barley ten." She said, "Though most of which were when I was kidnapped. Picture this! I'm fifteen years old, okay, and these Bulgarian mobsters-"

"Lobsters?" George asked her, as everyone leaned in close to listen to her story.

"Mobsters George, anyway, they've got my arms chained to the ceiling, starved and dehydrated, going at me with whips. My dad came in disguised as one of them, and shoots them all. BANG. Then John comes and unties me, gives me a gun and all that good stuff." She continued, "but we couldn't just leave. They knew we were there now, so we had too fight our way out. It took two hours, ten guns, and thousands of bullets to get out of there."

"Show them your back!" George said, launching forwards, Juliet laughed and allowed George to lift the back of her shirt to show everyone her half healed scars. They were half healed because of when Andrew healed her, she healed a lot of them too.

"Two weeks torture, bitches." She giggled, as everyone stared.

Fred was about to say something when suddenly the front door opened, rather agressivly. Juliet was pulling herself off the ground when Violet let herself into the living room, making everyone make looks of confusion. Only the Weasleys knew of Violet.

"You called me?" She asked expectantly.

"No, I didn't." Juliet replied, as everyone stared. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket then, and looked up, "yeah, I did. Oops."

"Happy birthday, boys." She said, grabbing a bottle of alcohol from the table, and walking back out the front door.

"There's two of you?" Lee asked confused, as she, Fred, and George laughed because she butt dialed her.

The next morning, Juliet woke up in her own bed with George curled up next to her, and her phone ringing next to her. With a pounding head, she answered it. It was violet telling her that she needed to go over to Malfoy manner for an emergency meeting. Juliet got up, and dressed, placing a hangover potion near both boys, and Lee who had ended up in Fred's room. It was pretty late into the morning so once she got rid of the headache she was moving around like normal.

What she was told when she got there was not what she expected. She knew that there was a big plan that she didn't know about, but since they never spoke of it she didn't worry. Now, she worried. They were using Draco Malfoy to get into the castle, and he was almost done with fixing the vanishing cabinet to get them in.

"What is going to happen when you get in?" Juliet asked, keeping her calm. "I'm assuming it's got to do with Dumbledore."

"You are correct, sweet Juliet"' Her mother said, smiling fondly at her.

"Who gets to kill him?" She asked with fake excitement. She needed to play her cards right and get all the information she could.

"If all goes as planned, Draco will." Voldemort said, "I'll be selecting a dozen death eaters to enter the castle and take care of whatever order members decided to come along."

"Brilliant" Juliet mutter, half to herself. She made eye contact with Severus, who was seated next to her, and he gave a look that said he would speak to her later. Did he know of the plan as well?

When she spoke to Severus, he explained that he would return to school and tell Dumbledore himself, because the only thing the order could do was worry about it, and it was in their best interests not to tell them. Reading him carefully, she found that he was being truthful, but was hiding something from her. She didn't trust him, but agreed anyway. He had good intentions. Juliet picked up Cordelia on her way home so the two of them could spend the day together while the boys ran the shop downstairs.

She voiced her concerns out loud for the fist time, about having to leave George in order to stay in good terms with the death eaters. They would kill her and them no doubt if she refused, and she couldn't speak to Violet about it because she wanted her to stay there. She hadn't seem Cordelia in a while since she was off recruiting, but she was glad she didn't have to hold all her worries in. She wanted to talk to her instead of Rose because Cordelia wouldn't lie about what she though and would give her honest opinions.

Her honest opinion was that if it came down too it, leaving was the best option to keep everyone safe. She would continue on prolonging it, hopefully forever, but she needed to start making plans just in case.

One call from Violet at the end of May was all it took to send Juliet into panic mode. She needed to tell the order, but she needed to be with the death eaters. The boys came up the stairs after work to find her pulling weapons out of every crevice in the house. She was pacing and muttering, trying to decide what to do. The boys watched as she put down something that looked dangerous on the table that was full of guns and knives, and waited for her to speak.

"Somethings about to go down at Hogwarts. I won't be there to protect anyone." She said to them. "Snape told Dumbledore of their plans to get in, but I thought he would have stopped it by now. I don't know what is going on!"

She yelled the last part, sounding more frustrated than ever. She put both hands down on the table and took a deep breath, calming herself. She didn't understand why Dumbledore didn't stop this from happening when it was obvious that he knew. They heard the sound of appreating in the living room, and Violet let herself into the room they were in.

"I have to go" She said quietly, staring down at her hands. "If you go, please be careful."

"Juliet, what is going on?" George asked, getting up and approaching her. She didn't say anything but just pulled him into a hug.

"I love you" She said to him, and then she spoke to the both of them. "If either of you die i'll be pissed."

With that, Violet took her by the hand and appriated her to Malfoy Manner. She knew that her sister wouldn't let go otherwise. People were going to get hurt. The sound of Juliet and Violet appreating merged with that of Remus coming to get the boys so he could explain what was going on.

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