The Sound of your heart

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A/N: I have a headcanon that lila is afraid of thunder So i decided to write this of course there is some tomatofox as I'm obsessed with the ship!

Nathanaël sighed quietly the class was so boring especially since he couldn't afford to draw in this class, usually Lila would talk in science she didn't like it much either.

he turned his attention to Lila, sitting quietly by the window. There was a sudden flash of light, a sudden rumble. The storm had raged all afternoon, but now he saw Lila flinch.

Was she frightened of thunder? She had never said so. But then, it was Lila.

At three in the morning the thunder crashed, and the timing could not have been worse. Lila pulled the covers up over her head and pushed her way down into the middle of the bed. She wished she felt a little safer. She wished the blankets would block out the sounds, the flashes of light, and the memories.

Lila had not always been afraid of thunder. It had begun on a rainy Saturday afternoon when she was six years old. Her mother was doing overtime at work like usual. Her father had the day off which was rare. They had gone to the park.

The rain had started barely half an hour after they had got there, and they had run home through the falling water. Luca had carried his daughter in his arms, even though she was really getting a little old for that kind of thing. He had always spoilt her. He put her down only to unlock the front door, and they dashed inside just as the first crashes of thunder were to be heard outside.

"Ahhhh, Lila!" He laughed. "We were silly not to take coats, no...?" He fetched a towel from the bathroom, wrapped it around her, rubbing it over her hair. "Don't tell your mommy!"

There was rumble crash of thunder outside. Lila jumped slightly, then looked up at her dad. "What is thunder?" She asked.

Luca was stumped. The truth was, he had no idea. So, until Rosetta could come home and explain it, he had to resort to his usual measures.

"It's the sound of a monster coming to gobble you up!" He growled, tickling her.

"Daddy, don't be silly."

"...I'm not daddy!" Luca continued bravely. "I'm a big nasty monster! Roar!"

"Daddy..." Lila was not impressed, but thankfully, the phone rang. Lila could tell from his tone when he spoke into it that it was not good news. Her heart sank. She knew something bad had happened. Finally, he returned, running around, pushing sodden shoes back on.

"Daddy has to go out to work there's been an emergency, Lila." He explained, hurriedly. "So you're going to be by yourself for a while... Ah, but don't worry, you'll be just fine!" He wrapped her up in a quick hug. "Now you be careful, Lila, and if you need anything, you run next door, okay?"

The thunder rumbled. Lila nodded, and her father left hastily.

Alone inside the flat, the thunder seemed very loud. It seemed to reverberate through the whole flat, booming like a gunshot. She wondered if her parents would come back. The thunder rang again, startling her. She grabbed the phone, dragged it across the room, and hid with it under the table. She tried to be brave, tried to imagine that every time the thunder boomed it was someone knocking on the door to come get her. That just made the loneliness worse. So she stayed and listened to the thunder, even though she didn't want to.

It was late when the phone began to ring. She snatched it up, hopeful.


"Lila? Are you okay?" Luca didn't wait for an answer, half panicked. "Listen sweetie, daddy has to stay at the work and I won't be back tonight. I need you to go and stay over with the neighbours until mommy comes back, okay? They can take care of you."

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