Bad Dream

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Lila woke up with a loud gasp as she sat up and looked around the darkened room the only light coming from the gaps under the curtains. Her heart was beating fast in her chest. She tried to calm herself down taking calm breaths.


She looked to see Nathanael sitting up rubbing his eyes awake. She felt relief wash over.

“Lila, is everything okay?” Nathanael asked, his blue eyes were wide in concern but still had a sleepy mist over them.


“You're crying? What's wrong?” Nathanael reached across and cupping her face gently.

Lila slowly reached up and touched her eyes. She felt the wetness of tears and realised she was crying, she didn't know how she hadn't noticed that.

“It's nothing, just a silly dream” Lila faked a small smile.

He raised an eyebrow “Lila”

“I said it's nothing, just go back to sleep,” She said, putting her head back down on her pillow, her back to Nathanael.

He bit his lip and looked at her in concern. “Okay...” he sighed. He lay back down and closed his eyes to sleep still worried about Lila.

A Few seconds passed and he felt Lila move to turn around and moving closer to him. He opened his eyes as she cuddled in beside him. He gently wrapped an arm around her.

“Nathanael?” she whispered.


Lila glanced at him and looked away as she asked: “You'll never forget about me will you?”

Nathanael wondered if the question had something to do with her bad dream but decided not was better not to ask. He pressed a soft kiss against her forehead.

“Of course I won't, it would be impossible to forget about the girl I love”

Lila gave a small smile content with his answer. Soon they had fallen asleep again in each other's arms.

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