Just a dream

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Nathanael blinked trying to keeps his eyes open despite the fact he badly wanted to sleep.

He had stayed up all night drawing not that was a surprise. The gentle chatter of the class was making him drowsy as it turned into background noise.

He stared at his sketchbook hoping that maybe new ideas would come and keep him awake. His sketchbook was open to a comic he was currently working on. It was of him as a superhero, Nathanael knew it was probably silly imagining himself as a hero. He was normal and probably always would be. He didn't feel deserving of powers. He had powers once but he, unfortunately, had been working for the wrong side.

He already knew what he wanted to draw next in the comic. He wanted to draw himself or well Super Nathan saving Lila. Yes, Nathanael had a crush on Lila Rossi. How could he not she was smart, Beautiful and caring, once you get to know her better that is. Here he was wanting to draw him saving Lila when in reality she was always the one saving him. Be it from bullies like Chloe or from actual akumas.

His eyes began to get heavy. There was no way he could keep them open. 'A nap couldn't hurt…Lila will wake me up if Miss Bustier notices' Nathanael glanced at his best friend and crush, She was currently writing in a notebook some of her long brown hair falling into her face. She reached up to tuck some of the hair behind her ear.

She must have sensed his staring as she glanced at him and smiled "Everything ok?"

Nathanael blushed at being caught staring "Y-yeah just tired" he said

"Well maybe now you won't phone me at three in the morning to talk about if pigeons have feelings" Lila giggled as she returned her attention to her notebook.

Nathanael smiled "Pigeons definitely have feelings, Lila, after all, look at the Mr Pigeon attack" he laid his head down on his arms. The last thing he heard before drifting off to dreamland was Lila saying "I'm so glad I wasn't around to see that"

Help!" shouted Lila as she ran away from Reflekta down the Louvre. When suddenly Princess Fragrance appeared in front of her. Lila gasped in fright and turned around. She was blocked they were sure to get her now.

When suddenly Nathanael dropped in. Lila's eyes widened in surprise "Super Nathan" She exclaimed happily.

Nathanael looked at Lila with a smile "Don't worry I'll save you!" he twirled his tablet pen in his fingers and began to draw on the tablet that was attached to his arm.

He drew on the tablet and suddenly a shield appeared around Reflekta blocking her escape and attacks.

"You'll pay for that!" Princess Fragrance cried but before she could attack. Super Nathan quickly drew on his tablet again erasing her weapon.

Princess Fragrance glared at him and went to just attack him with force. Super Nathan saw this coming and again using his tablet he drew a rope around Princess Fragrance which caused her to trip and fall.

"You're safe now, Lila" Super Nathan said, Turning to Lila with a smile.

"Super Nathan!" exclaimed Lila embracing him. "You're my hero!"

Nathanael hugged her back "It was nothing" He blushed.

Lila looked at Super Nathan with a blush "I love you, Super Nathan"

"I love you too, Lila" Super Nathan said.

"Sorry to interrupt this touching scene, but you better say your last goodbyes, Super Nathan"

Super Nathan turned to see Chat Noir and he was stealing a priceless piece of art but then he realised this wasn't the real Chat Noir.

"Copycat" He snapped, he scowled at the fake Chat Noir.

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