A Charming Stranger

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On days like today, when the sky was grey and the trees were starting to become bare as the leaves fell to the ground and turned shades of orange, yellow and red. There was only one thing for it. Lila thought as she waited in line. A triple chocolate latte with a shot of espresso and whipped cream. That would cheer her up and give her the energy she needed to make it through the day.

She rattled off her order to the barista with the skill of someone who had ordered the drink many times before and the barista made it skilfully with the practice of one who had made the order many times before.

Lila paid for her drink and went to stand off by the side waiting for it.

She half heard a few more people order their own drinks before she was finally able to grab her own drink.

She was already walking to the door when she took a gulp of her drink eagerly only for her to scowl as she swallowed the drink. "eugh!"

This was not her drink.

It was not the sweet and delicious blend she was used to, oh no. It was dark and bitter and horrible.

"What is this?" She said, outraged.

A finger lightly tapped her on the shoulder and she turned.

"Oh sorry! I think that one's mine," he said. It was a boy with vibrant red hair, a few inches shorter than herself with bright blue eyes. He was wearing an orange t-shirt with a grey blazer and purple jeans.

He was completely adorable.

So why was he drinking this disgustingly bitter brew?

"Expresso macchiato? No milk or whipped cream?" he asked, shyly glancing at the ground.

"Oh is that what this is?" She said. "It's so bitter!"

"Uh huh." he nodded. "So you can imagine my surprise when I tasted your drink instead. Very chocolatey."

"Oh yeah. That's mine." She said, exchanging his drink for hers. She took a sip immediately. A delicious cup as usual. Just what she needs to get rid of the bitter taste of the boys drink.

"Mmm…" The boy said in satisfaction after he'd had a sip of his own drink. "So…um what's your name?" he asked.

"Huh?" Lila said, distracted wondering how he could stand that. "Lila." She replied.

"I'm Nathanael," he said, still quite quiet. "It was nice meeting you but I've got to go now. Maybe I'll see you around?"

"Sure," Lila replied. "Just don't take my drink again and we'll be fine."

He laughed, knowing she was teasing. "I won't! Bye, Lila!"

"Bye!" Lila called after, as he raced out the door.

She did hope she would see him again. He was kind of…Charming.

A/N:  So sneak preview of season 3 places appeared and there was a coffee shop that looked cosy and pretty so I wrote this as it would be cute if Lila and Nathanael met for the first time there.

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