A Day in Lila Rossi's Magnificent Life

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*Based on a scene in the anime: Gamers* 

 Before she gets a crush on Nath:

 As the time ticked to 5:30 the rambunctious blaring of the small alarm clock echoed in the room it didn't get to be noisy for long as Lila who had woken up a few seconds before it slammed her hand down on the button stopping its cries.

Lila does not grumble or try to snuggle back down under the covers as she pushes the blankets neatly off and gets out of the bed. Her feet touching on the soft plush carpet as she gently pads to her window sweeping open the curtains and letting sunlight spill in. she stretches her arms upwards as the sun rays warm her body and wake her up completely.

"It's a pleasant morning"  she smiles.

As soon as she is dressed she leaves the house for a jog through the large park near her house. she jogs to the park as well her feet hitting the Paving below as she passes by swaying trees and friendly people. who are usually out at this time the same as Lila so they recognise each other as they offer good mornings.

At the park, she does a few stretches to make sure her muscles don't cramp then sets off on her jog during this she notices a person walking a fluffy white dog. Her eyes sparkle at its cuteness. she approaches to say hello to the dog.

"Good puppy!" she giggles kneeling down to pet it as it jumps up at her its tail wagging exuberantly. 

And so, Lila begins her magnificent day with a pleasant awakening. After her morning exercise, Lila goes back home to complete any homework she hadn't finished the night before she does this easily enough. Flicking through her Literature textbook to help her add some finishing sentences to her essay for Miss Bustier. 

 she has a healthy breakfast and then quickly prepares to leave for school putting on grey tights, a light grey romper, her brown boots and then her orange jacket. she grabs her satchel and heads out to school feeling calm and ready for the day.

The first thing she does once she arrives at school is to socialise with her friends.

"Morning Lila," Kagami says as Lila arrives beside the Japanese girl at their lockers which is side by side. "Morning!" Lila says cheerfully.

Rose smiles "Morning, did you get the essay done for Miss Bustier's class?"

Lila nods opening her locker "Yeah, I finished it this morning" she removes the letters that admirers had slipped into her locker through the thin holes at the top. Despite her mistake of telling lies when she had first come to the school, her apology to others afterwards had helped her restore her image and the fact she was an Italian model also made many want to date her.

During her break as well as talk to her friends she tries her best to help out teachers.  she notices Miss Bustier struggling to carry a heap of books.

"Miss Bustier!" Lila calls hurrying over "Let me help with that" 

"Oh thank you Lila" Miss Bustier smiles handing half of the books to her. they head on down the corridor. 

And then comes to Lila the most depressing part of the day. Opening the letters she received from her admirers and then having to politely reject them.  She heads out to a quiet corridor to meet and reject the admirer in the least hateful way she can.

 "Do you want to go to a movie with me this Friday" 

Lila believes that is only right to confront the persons request head on and decline with honesty-if she can, after all, she still struggles with not telling lies.

Lila bows her head "No, I'm sorry" 

The boy gasps as Lila rejects him. he is left to trail off a depressing raincloud pouring over him.

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