~Imagine: Egos As A Father Figure~

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Authors Note: Why do I keep writing the egos with a teen. I Promis I will write an 'X Reader' someday. I will start taking requests once I get all of the ideas out of my head. Sorry if I forgot any egos, this is just something quick I decided to write. 

Warning: Cursing(?)

Anyway, please enjoy~


~Oh boy, where do I start

~Most people would think it's hard having a bunch of dads

~You bet your ass they're right

~Their so overprotective

~It take's a lot of convincing to go out with friends

~It's like a long chain

~They all say to go ask a different ego and eventually you end up asking the man of the house

~That man being Dark

~It is terrifying when you have to ask him to go out or money

~Like, your shiting yourself

~When you need new clothes, you go to Wilford and Yandere

~Yandere being ecstatic that his platonic senpai ask him

~Wilford being excited to pick out and see all of the clothing options

~Wil always says "Price is no worry when it comes to my gumdrop"

~Helping Host change his bandages when they get worn down or too bloody

~You saw him struggling with it one day and decided to help him

~Him being surprised when you weren't scared of whats behind the bandages

~He trusts you more than the two doctors in the building

~Dr. Iplier and Dr. Schneeplestein would help you with any injuries you have or if it's just your science homework

~Google helping with the rest of your homework

~Bing always trying to help but somehow always pulling up Porn

~Bing being banned from helping you

~We can't forget the occasional Nerf gun fight with Chase

~When one of the egos step into the war zone, their fair game

~Always aiming for the head no matter who it was

~Accidentally hit Anti in the eye 

~You almost died that day

~Pulling pranks on the other egos with Anti

~You once pored ice cold Holy water on Dark when he was taking a shower

~You also almost died that day

~Having cuddle movie nights with Robbie

~He's such a precious zombie

~At least needs a movie night once a week

~At some occasions, all the egos would join 

~Watches Marks and Jacks videos in the closet

~The egos don't like it when you watch their 'enemies' content

~"Why are you in the closet?"

~"Because I haven't come out yet"

~Helping the Kind feed his squirrels

~Having fighting lessons from Jackieboy and Sylver

~Wilford would sneak in and teach you how to use a gun

~Helping Wil make all kinds of sweets

~Marvin would show you all of his magic tricks

~Maybe even teach you one

~Trying on Marvin's mask

~Getting to see backstage of the Jims, Bim, and Wilford's show

~Family game night once a week

~Always ends up in flames


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