~Imagine: Family Game Nights (With Teen! Reader) [Host's Night]~

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Authors Note: I had this idea of "What if I write chapters of all the egos picking a game for a family game night." So I will write a chapter for most of the egos with what I would assume would be their game choices. 

My friends and I just started a game of Dungeons & Dragons and can I can't express how much fun it is. The highlight of our first session was "Roll for dildo". All of our nat 20's have been for fucking dildo rolls.
I will make a Tumblr shitpost of all the stupid shit we said. Your welcome.

If you haven't yet, go listen to 'The Adventure Zone' podcast. I promise you, you won't regret it.

Is anyone going to Gencon? I am going for the first time and I would love to meet some of you.

Also, uhhh... Is anyone interested in me writing my egos with the Septic's and Iplier's? Sorry if I'm pushing this but I sort of really want to write this. I wont if no one will read it tho...

Anyway, please enjoy~


~Your lying if you don't think Host plays Dungeons & Dragons.

~Like, Host would be the best DM (Dungeon Master).

     -He would tell the story and express all of the rooms so well.
          -Even when it's the littlest of detail

~He would help everyone with making their character (or do it himself)

~JackieBoy and Sylver get way into it (being superheroes and all).
     -They always try to save everyone but get bad rolls.

~Host gets mad because they are always Palidens (But I mean, it's sort of fitting)

~Dr. Iplier and Henrik are always Clarics. 
     -They like to hold all of the Potions of Healing.
          -They basically only heal people

~Dark and Anti would be a Blood Hunter
     -For... well, obvious reasons

~Marvin would be a Sorcerer.

~okay okay okay, enough about the classes.

~Google always tries to strategize with everyone but Bing, Wilford, and Chase always run in. 

~It's the funniest shit when one of them rolls a bad roll.

~When Dark rolls a 1, you start laughing your ass off. 
     -It's finally his turn to feel what it's like to fail.

~Not to brag or anything, but you make the best rolls.
     -Secretly Host helps you with your rolls
          -He loves to see the looks on everyone's faces when you save their ass from a giant spider.
               -Google can't even figure out how the fuck you keep getting nat 20.

~Bim secretly loves the game. 
     -You, Bim, and Host may or may not sneek out and play with other people (Host being the DM still)

~Anti will kill anything and everything in his path.
     -"The fellow party sees a wild wolf in their path as they-"
          -"I want to throw a knife at it"
               -"Anti nO"

~Wilford would spend all of his gold on food.
     -"Wil, you need some kind of armor. You cant keep doing this"
          -"Watch me!"

~Wilford also always make's the stupidest decisions.
          -"Vell maybe iv you didn't jump on ze warlock in ze lazt turn, I vould have a potionz of healing!"

~Dark doesn't really like the game, but he likes to see everyone enjoying themselves.
     -Well, everyone meaning you.

~Marvin would also get way too into it. 
     -"Marv, you don't have to cast a spell to open the door. It's already open."
          -"But it will be cool!"
               -"You only have a limited number of spell slots."
                    -"What are spell slots?"

~Bing always want's to make a grand entrance.
     -Like, why not do a kickflip into the tavern.

~Chase would do trick shots with his crossbow.
     -"I bet I can hit that goblin in the back of the head."
          -"They are 80 feet away from us. You would have to roll high."
               -"I rolled a 4, how did I do?"

~The Jim twins would spectate and be announcers (Sort of like sports announcers)
     -They might be recording everything that is going on and make it into a podcast.

~Robbie will ask if you could just turn him into a little pet that you carry around.
     -Maybe a little zombie kitten
          -He can't really speak so he just sits quietly next to you while you make his kitten be all cute (or maybe even attack an enemy)

~King can't play because his squirrels steal his dice or they have peanut butter all over them

~Jamson would usually sign to you on what he would do (Your one of the only people in the house that know sign language)
     -If he didn't feel like signing for hours, he would usually sit out.

~At the end of the night, all of you either celebrate your winning or argue at a roll someone fucked up

~Iplier/Septiceye Oneshots~Where stories live. Discover now