~Antisepticeye~ [Headcanon]

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Requested by: Anonymous
Can you do some antisepticeye headcannons where he has a s/o who loves painting their nails/collecting nail polish? Anti would hate the product itself but he loves seeing how passionate his s/o is about the subject. Thanks if you actually do, haha.

Authors Note: This sounds super cute omg

Fandom: Jacksepticeye Egos
Pairing(s): Antisepticeye x Reader
Reader: Non-Specific
Warning(s): Cursing probably, cute fluff w/ Anti

Anyway, please enjoy~

*Anti wouldn't show it, but he's super supportive.

*If you're doing your nails at the table or on the couch, he will watch.

*One day he surprises you by doing your nails himself. Your so overjoyed by this small gesture of appreciation, he thought you were about to cry.

*If Anti's ever at the store and he sees a bottle of nail polish you might like, he steals buys it. If you're not at home, he will leave a note with the bottle that usually goes along the lines of: "I better see this on you when I get home"

*You will try to paint his nails (keyword try).

*It does take some convincing, but he finally agrees to it only on some circumstances. One being you can only paint green, black, and white on his nails. The other is he has to approve of the design. Nothing floral or covered in hearts.

*His favorite pattern is probably a glitchy-like design. It really does suit him. 

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