~Late Night With Darkiplier~ (Darkiplier X Anxious! Teen! Reader)

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Authors Note: Had some inspiration when I got back from my Panic! At The Disco concert. Also, my friend's mom got me a pop so that's keeping me up.
It is currently 1:25 AM

I um... have been making egos for myself. I was wondering if people would be interested in me writing my egos with the Iplier and Septiceye's?
It's okay if nobody's interested tho.

Warning: Cursing, Panic/anxiety attack, WKM, platonic Reader

Anyway, please enjoy~

~~~~~Y/n P.O.V.~~~~~

This was a mistake.

I should have left while I could.

My friends said they were having a small party. Of course, my mind was thinking of about 6 people, but my friends decided to be dooshes. At first, it started out with the three of us, but then more and more people started coming. The party started to get crowded and wilder by the second. Of course, it wouldn't be a high school house party without beer and any kind of drugs they could get their hands on. 

I am currently locked in the bathroom, not daring to go out into the sea of drunk and high teens. I could always call one of the egos to come to pick me up but they're all asleep.

Well, except for one.

Do I dare call Dark to come to pick me up from a party I didn't tell him about? Maybe he would understand. After all, he should know parties aren't really my thing. I would much rather stay at home playing video games and eat junk food all day then get high as shit off of the dollar store kush. 

I look at my phone for the time. "1:48" I curse to myself, hoping Dark is still up. I took a deep breath as I hit the call button. I gave a shaky breath as I waited for him to pick up.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" I heard Dark's annoyed voice through the phone. "H-hey demon dad #1. Hows-hows your night going?" I shakily asked, trying to sound casual. "Don't try to flatter me, that never works. Whats wrong?" Dark asked. He knew something was wrong by my voice. Of course, I didn't even try to hide my nervousness from him. He would find out one way or another. 

"You know how I was going to hang out with my friends for a small get together?"


"Well, that 'small' get together turned into a teen rave party with probably over 100 people. I may or may not have locked myself in the bathroom." I explained on the phone. I could hear a sigh with some shuffling coming from the other end. I can feel my body starting to shake more furiously than before. For me, talking to Dark was never easy. I had a sense that I was always bothering him in some way. Eather I was casually talking to him or I was just standing in the same room. 

"I will be there in 5"

I gave a small thank you as I hung up and shoved my phone in my pocket. I could feel the tears prick up in the corners of my eyes as I sat next to the bathtub. My chest began to feel heavy while my breathing quickened. I dug through my backpack I brought to try and find my earbuds/headphones. As I vigorously shoveled my hand through the bag, I found what I was looking for and pulled them out as quick as I can. I untangled the thin wire and plugged it into the device. 

I let the soothing music flow through my ears as I pull my hood over my head. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath as I craddled myself from what lurks beyond the bathroom door. Tears rolled down my face leaving spots on my sleeves. I try to focus on the soft lyrics of the song but it was sort of hard to do while there was loud banging on the door.

~Iplier/Septiceye Oneshots~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora