~I'm Super Cold~ (Darkiplier x Reader)

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Authors Note: Look at my super clever name. Isn't it lovely?

Oh, look! An update! So sorry for the long wait. I've been so busy working on other writing projects and on improving my art to make buttons!! I'll be opening a shop maybe soon??? Not sure when it will be up tho. And you bet your asses that there will be ego pins!!!

Maybe when I post more chapters on my ego's I'll sell pins with them too, if anyone would be interested.

My inbox is always open on Tumblr! I'd love to chat with all of you bc I love and appreciate every one of you <3

Requested by: Anonymous on Tumblr
Can i make a Darkiplier x reader where reader lives in an apartment and her heater breaks, and she's freezing cold but doesn't want to call anybody in the Iplier mansion, because they had a long day, and Dark finds out when she's late for a meeting and he goes to check on her, finding her practically freezing to death and coming down with a cold?

Warning(s): Cursing

Anyway, please enjoy~

You never missed a meeting.


If you absolutely had to skip, you would usually call in. When Dark didn't see you in your seat, he figured you were running late because of the traffic.

10 minutes pass, you hadn't walked in. No texts or a voicemail explaining why your late or just not here. Dark had to brush it off for know and proceeded on with the meeting.

10 more minutes pass by. Every minute Dark grows annoyed as his foot taps the ground in a rhythm. The other egos seem to notice the slight tension in the air and the violent ringing coming from the dark ego.

before Wilford could continue with his 'million dollar ideas', Dark abruptly stood up from his seat at the head of the table. "Has anyone seen or heard anything about Y/n absence?" His fingers tapping on the long wooden table as he glances at his fellow egos. Everyone around the table shook their head.

Dark let out an annoyed sigh as he walked towards the door. "I'm going to go look for them. Google, you're in charge until I return." With that, Dark walked out of the meeting room.

Meanwhile, in your apartment, it was currently 40°F. Every single blanket and pillow in your home where currently surrounding your shivering body. Your heater had stopped working for some reason which really sucks since it's in the middle of the fucking winter. So once your landlord gets this situation fixed, it's layers upon layers of clothes. We're talking two shirts underneath a hoodie, two pairs of pants, and three pairs of fuzzy socks. At this rate, you're destined to get a cold in this meat locker of an apartment.

A loud knock erupted from your front door almost making the apartment shake. You jump at the sudden loudness that echoed through the apartment. You would have just waited it out until the probably violent person left, but the knock came again.

You softly sighed, breath all foggy from the cold air. A blanket wrapped over your shoulders as you trotted to the door.

"Care to explain." They stood Dark, arms crossed with a look that could kill. "Hey, I'm a little busy trying to keep warm." Dark's eyebrow rose at your statement. You merely sighed as you knew he wasn't just going to leave. The darker ego walked passed you and entered your apartment without a word. He looked around until he spotted what he was looking for. Dark walked over to the thermostat and looked back at you questionably. "Why is it 36 degrees in your apartment?"

"Because my heater broke- wait, did you say 36? Aw man, it went down..." You sniffed and buried your face in the blanket.

Dark stood quietly in the hallway, thinking about what to do. "You're going to stay at the manner until someone fixes this mess." Dark sounding like he's not giving you an option.

"Is this why you didn't call?" You winced at the thought of worrying all the egos. "Yea, my electronics have been in the cold for a while and stopped working."

Once the two made it back to the manner, dark immediately pushed you into his room. "You can warm up in here." You nodded and hopped onto the bed, instantly wrapping yourself in a burrito.

You were still slightly shaking under the warm covers. Dark merely stood there, looking at your form. "Are you just going to stand there or come and join me?" You unrolled from the burrito and slightly lifted the dark sheets for him. Dark sighed and took off his suit jacket and tie. Climbing next to you, you instantly wrapped your arms around the dark ego to seek any extra warmth. 

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