~Wilford w/ Non Binary S/o~ [Headcanon]

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Authors Note: Wilford would totally protecting his s/o and I'm ready to write this

Requested by: SoullessPotato1 
Ooh I like head cannons. Could you maybe do one with Wilford where the s/o is non binary and he's constantly protecting them from homophobes. You don't have to if you don't want to. I was just thinking for pride month

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Fandom: Iplier Egos
Pairing(s): Wilford Warfstache x Non Binary! Reader
Warning(s): Cursing, homophobe, Wilford's ready to kill

Anyway, please enjoy~

*He will be prepared to throw hands (or maybe a knife, knowing him)

*Wilford will always be on alert for any negative comments about you. Either it be the two walking down the street or in the office.

*"Ugh, they just need to pick a gender." Haha, that person will never see the light of day again. He will just play it off like it was an accident if you ask.

*He hears someone whisper something under their breath while strolling past? They get dragged into a nearby ally and never seen again.

*Wilford will definitely buy you all the products and clothes that make you feel happy with your own body.

*Some nicknames he likes to use are: Cupcake, Suger Plum, and Love

*If someone homophobe said something to you while he wasn't there, Wil will provide comfort with loads of cuddles and sweets. He may even throw in a bubble bath.

*If you're having a particularly bad day, Wilford will go all out. I'm talking laying in bed while ordering take out, baking together, and a guaranteed bubble bath with extra bubbles.

*Overall, he just loves and supports you.

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