~Excepting~ (Eric Derickson X Trans Male! Reader)

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Requested By: Anonymous on Tumblr
Could you do one where the reader, who is dating Erik Derickson, comes out to him and maybe the other Markiplier egos as a trans guy?

Requests are CLOSED

Authors Note: I'm so glad someone requested for Eric! He's such a sweet bean that needs a hug.

I'm a little scared I messed something up or offended someone with this one. Please message me if I wrote something wrong.

Fandom: Iplier Egos
Pairing(s): Eric Derekson x Trans Male! Reader
Warning(s): cursing probably, a smug of angst, a little longer than the other ones

Anyway, please enjoy~

You needed to tell him first. And if it goes well and totally doesn't disown you, maybe the other egos. You had been rehearsing what you are going to say for the past two hours. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Now all you have to do is wait for him to come home.

Right as you said that, the front door opened and closed along with keys being placed on the table.

Nope nope nope, can't do it. No No wait, you have to. If he doesn't accept who you are, then it's his loss. This is who you were and he has the right to know considering your in a relationship. He might not want to date a man which you will respect. If he's not comfortable dating a male, then it wasn't meant to be. You really do love him but can't lie to yourself or to him for the relationship. It just wouldn't feel right.

You stood in front of the mirror, taking deep breaths while thinking positive thoughts.

"Y/n?" You jumped at the sound of your name. Eric was standing in the door, leaning on its wood frame to take pressure off of his prosthetic legs. "eric, I need to tell you something." You forced those words out of your mouth. Know going back now. "O-oh. Okay."

You took his hand and sat him down on your shared bed. You took another deep breath while mentally telling yourself 'You can do it!'

"Before I say, I totally understand if you don't want to... continue... this relationship. Just know, I will always love you." As you said that, Eric's face flushed and his body started to shake.

"I'm... Transgender. Meaning, I want to be a man." You looked away, not daring to look him in the eye.

The room was silent until a soft sigh released from Eric's mouth as he pulled you into a hug. Soft sobs echoed the room as you wrapped your arms around him. "I thought- I thought you were g-going to t-tell me you were- you were ch-cheating or breaking up."

Your eyes soften. He thought you were going to break up, or worst, emit that you were cheating? You could never imagine hurting him like that. You loved him too much to even think about doing any of that.

"I would never do that to you. You mean so much to me." You gently rubbed his back until his sobs turned into sniffles. "I do?" Eric lifts his head to look you directly in the eyes. You smiled and brushed the tears off of his cheek. "More than anything."

Eric gave a small smile, about to grab your hand before retracting his own hand. "Can I..." You merely smiled and lifted your hand. He intertwined his fingers with yours, his face slightly red.

"So you don't mind me being a man? You still want to date me?" Eric shakily wrapped his other hand around your intertwined ones. "To me, all t-that matters is th-that you're you and you are happy. I will be by your side supporting you while also calling you my b-boyfriend."

Hearing him refer to you as his boyfriend brought tears to your eyes as a wide smile started to form.

"I love you so much."

"I-I love you too."

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