~Wilford Warfstache~ [Headcanon]

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Authors Note: Hey, today was awful. I slipped on an ice patch and fell in my school parking lot and this guy saw. He asked if I was okay which was nice. I think the only thing that fall hurt was my ego. I went back into the car w/ my mom and had a little anxiety attack, so I'm really tired ugh. 

Anyway, here's a headcanon I posted on Tumblr. 

((Sorry it's not that long :( ))

Requested by: Anonymous
Okay, this MIGHT sound stupid, but could you do a story with Wilford and like his s/o (the reader) is super girly and like flirts with him a lot? And very many adorable schemes ensue including bad pick up lines?

Fandom: Markiplier Egos
Pairing(s): Wilford Warfstache x Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral
Warning(s): Awful pickup lines, cursing probably

Anyway, please enjoy~

-You and Wilford play a game of 'who can come up with the worst pickup line'. It's all fun and games until both start to yell one-liners at each other. That's the other ego's hint to stay cautious of the war zone.

-"Do you have a Band-Aid? 'Cause I scraped my knee falling for you."

-"If you were a Transformer, you'd be Optimus Fine."

-This usually goes on for hours until Dark is fed up and threatens both of you.

-When you aren't screaming pick up lines at each other, you and Wil like to go shopping together.

-He will most defiantly buy you the finest clothes with Mark's credit card.

-That shirt you tried on? Got it.

-The piece of jewelry sitting in the window? Paid for.

-Some sweets you were eyeing? Sold.

-One of your favorite games is to see if you can fluster your boyfriend. Which, by the way, is not an easy task.

-He's a very affectionate man, so he's usually the one flustering you.

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