~A Little Love~ (Wilford Warfstache X Shy! Reader)

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Authors Note: I should really be studying for my French exam that's tomorrow, but oh well. I just realized that this book mainly consists of Wilford and Teen! Reader. I might do Host next since he is one of my favorites. My other books should probably be updated as well, oops. I kind of get embarrassed in writing kissing scenes because I don't know if my girlfriend is reading this, so my apology if it sucks ass.

Warning: Mention of 'Who Killed Markiplier'(?)

Mager Fluff!

Anyway, please enjoy~

~~~~~Y/n P.O.V.~~~~~

You have no idea how many people have come up to me and asked: "You're so quiet and keep to yourself while he's loud and open-minded." The only replay I give is "Opposites attract." Altho their statements are true. I am very introverted and get embarrassed/nervous at any sort of contact Wilford gives. No matter what it was: holding hands, pet names, small pecks on the cheek you name it. Wilford does all the, I guess you could say, romantic contact while I just sit there and let it happen. 

It's not that I don't want to. I'm just, scared to mess up or make an idiot of myself. I may hug him from behind when we are alone, but that's it. Wilford takes advantage of that hug and usually sweeps me off my feet, literally. 

Today seemed a bit different. Usually, when I get home from work he would be there to greet me and shower me with kisses, but he wasn't here today.

This is fine, this is fine. Everyone has there off days. He could just be out somewhere, but he would always text me when he can't welcome me home. Maybe he's just tired and fell asleep. Yea lets go with that for now. I can feel a nervous sweat start to form. "Wil?" I said quietly. There was no reply. Of course nobody answered back, I could barely hear myself. I start to panic as I walk aimlessly around the empty rooms looking for him. 

I eventually checked every room on the main floor and trotted my way up the wooden stairs. As I got to the top, I stopped when I heard soft sniffling coming from our shared bedroom. Is he sick? He was fine this morning. Wait, is he crying?! Surely he would come to me for support, altho I have never seen him cry. 

I stepped closer to the partially open door that led to the bedroom. There he was: hands buried in his messy pink hair, sitting at the edge of the bed, back turned to me. I opened the door, which to my dismay, made a small squeak. "Wil?" I asked again, this time so someone can hear me. Wilford jumped in his place on the bed and turned to look at me. "H-hey sugar. You're h-home from work e-early." He looked at me with pain in his eyes. My heart akes at the sight of him like this. Okay, okay, you got this Y/n. He's in pain so it's your time to play his roll in this relationship.

Just to let him know how much he means to me.

I slowly walk over to him and sat down next to him. I placed a hand on his and gently squeezed it. "Do you want to talk about it love?" I asked as I can feel my face flush. He seemed startled at the action. I guess he didn't really expect anything. Wilford just sat there shaking in his hands. 

I need to do more than a cute nickname.

I shifted myself to where I was hugging his side. Wil immediately engulfed me in a hug. I rubbed circles on his back as he hugged tighter like I was going to vanish. 

"When are they coming back? Are they mad at me?" Wilford rambled into my hair. I had no idea what he was talking about, so I just sat there rubbing his back as he cried into my shirt. "Everything is going to be fine sweaty." I gave him a small peck on the cheek. Wil became immediately flustered at that action. Both of us pulled away slightly, but still in each other's arms. I looked deep into his dark brown eyes. There was a mix of love and joy in them. I gave a shy smile as I wiped the remaining tears on his face with my sleeve. 

As I did this, we drew closer and closer to each other. As our lips almost touched, he spoke: "You have no idea how much you mean to me." He crashed his lips into mine for a soft, gentle kiss. This didn't feel like the many other kisses we've had. This one was drenched in love and affection. Wilford hooked his arm around my waist, pushing me closer to him. I ran my hands thrown his messy but soft pink hair. 

Eventually, we had to pull away for air. I smiled and hid my face in the crook of his neck. Wil let out a laugh as he picked me up bridal style. I let out a small yelp and hung onto Wilford for dear life. "Come on sweet thing. Let's order some food and cuddle!" Wilford looked like he had stars in his eyes. It's adorable seeing him like this. 

Wil grabbed his phone off the counter and headed to the couch with me still in his arms. He set me down on my feet and threw himself on the couch all sprawled out. He opens his arms for to lay on his chest, and snuggle into his chest I did. Wil pulled out his phone and called our favorite restaurant. Without even asking, he ordered my meal like he's memorized it. I played with his pink suspenders until he was done conversing with the person on the other side of the phone. As he hung up, Wil raps his arms securely around my fragile body. 

"You know, you're the happiest thing that has ever happened to me. I love you."

"I love you too."

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