~Care For Me~ (Antisepticeye x Reader) [Short]

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Authors Note: Look! Author has posted another short! Why? Because they can't write fast even if their life depended on it. 

I probably said this in one of my other A/N's but I'm sorry for all the short stories. I am currently working on two books on AO3 (both My Hero Academia).

On the bright side, I will be at Anime Midwest in Chicago! So if any of you are going, please say hi! (If anyone is making an ego pannel, please I am begging you, I will be more than happy to join)

Anonymous Asked: 
I am a bit confused if you are taking requests right now or not but if you are I was wondering if I could an Anti x reader with the reader having a broken leg and needing comfort and help taken care of.. based on the fact that I just broke my ankle

Pairing(s): Antisepticeye x Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral
Warning(s): Cursing probably

Anyway, please enjoy~

"Let me just-"

"No! Sit back down!"

Anti pointed to you, almost daring you to get up just to face his wrath. You just wanted to grab the remote off of the coffee table but someones being a little overprotective. "Anti, you do realize my arms aren't broken, right?"

Anti peeked into the living room with narrow eyes. "You could easily fall off the couch and break something else. I don't need another broken bone to take care of." He walked over to you, a plate of food in hand. You merely smile and take the plate from his hands with a small thank you.

Anti plopped down, your back resting on his shoulder as your casted leg took up most of the couch. His arm wrapped around your stomach while flipping through all the shows that don't interest him.

Once you finish your food, you placed the plate on the coffee table (without Anti scolding you) and lay back on his legs. A sigh escaped your lips as you look up at your boyfriend. "You know you didn't have to take care of me."

The glitch stopped what he was doing and looked at you. "Yes, I did. What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I just let my s/o hobble around the apartment? Tho, that would be funny." You playfully hit his chest as he amuses himself.

"You won't be laughing when you have to carry me to the bathroom again."

"Right now?"


"But you just went!... Fine."

~Iplier/Septiceye Oneshots~Where stories live. Discover now