~Bad Jokes~ (Wilford Warfstache x Reader) [Short]

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Authors Note: eeeeeeh I'm so sorry for all the drabbles. Plz forgive me.

I finished watching Soul Eater and let me just tell you how disappointed I was. I spent 3 days binging the shit out of it. I was told the manga had a different ending so I'm going to have to read that. I may also write a oneshot with Soul, he's my favorite. (It's a maybe)

I dought anyone reading this is going, but I'm going to Anime Midwest in July and was wondering if any of you are going. If you are, Awesome! I'm cosplaying with a group of friends and I'm so excited aaaaaa!

[Not Taking Requests]

Requested by: Anonymus on Tumblr
Since you're taking requests, I was wondering if you could do a Wilford x reader, where the reader is just as silly as Wilford and their humor consists of dad jokes and just randomness?

Reader: Gender Neutral
Warning(s): Bad dad jokes

Anyway, please enjoy~

"Why did the coffee file a police report? It got mugged." Wilford snickered at yet another one of your god awful jokes. You two were currently sitting in the kitchen baking. It started to escalate to the point where your conversations are just bad jokes you found online or ones you could think of at the time.

"What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter? An irrelephant"

"Please, I'm begging you two. Stop." Dr. Iplier had been sitting at the dining room table, trying to file some papers. He had been listening to every awful joke since the beginning. Not gonna lie, you were kind of impressed.

"Does an apple a day keep the doctor away?" Wilford looked at you with a 'say it' look. "Only if you aim it well enough" You two burst in a fit of laughter as the doctor collects his things and leaves with a sigh.

After what felt like an eternity of not being able to breathe, you finally calmed down and proceeded to take one of many cupcake tries out of the oven. While you had your back turned, Wil picked up a frosting tube full of pink frosting, waiting to attack.

As soon as your turn around, he makes two lines above your lips. You didn't even flinch as the man snickered. "Hey, I look like you!"

~Iplier/Septiceye Oneshots~Where stories live. Discover now