~Breath~ (The Host x Anxious! Teen! Reader)

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Sorry for the absence lately, I've had writer's block along with projects I needed/need to get done. I still have cosplay stuff that needs to be finished before July (hehe I'm going as Google one of the days). I will try to update as much as I can. 

Big news! I made my own button shop which you can check out here!
Facebook: TheKooShop
Instagram: the.koo.shop
If you see one you like, just message me and we can discuss!

Holy shit more announcements! 

I also have a TikTok which I'm planning on doing some cosplay for varies fandoms and even w/ my own egos!! I'm working on Peach's outfit right now! So go follow CosplayKoo (I don't have anything up yet but I will eventually)

I am totally planning on making 'Late Night With Darkiplier' into an x listener fic which means I will be reading and posting it on Archive Of Our Own. I want to do it tonight but worried I won't start it bc, well, procrastination. Just bully me into doing it but in a nice way. AAAAA I'm super excited about it!

Pairing(s): The Host x Teen! Anxious! Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral 
Warning(s): Anxiety attack, platonic reader, comfort, fluff angst, this probably sucks

Anyway, please enjoy~

Whenever there is a meeting with the Iplier egos, everyone in the office building tends to stay clear of that hallway. Some don't even go on that floor, they all know hell will break loose any minute. 

Unfortunately for you, you need to attend the meetings as the voice of reason. All of the egos seem to listen to you like you had them all wrapped around your finger. That's why people in the office hunt you down whenever there was a problem. Whether it be Wilford waving a gun around threatening to pull the trigger or Chase hiding stashes of alcohol around the building. 

Oh this day, however, wasn't a good day for a meeting. All week you've been anxious with no particular reason. Maybe it was the stress of school with final exams coming up, or it's just your body waving a middle finger. Today has been one of the worst days, body shaking with tears threatening to spill any minute. 

As you walk into the building, you thought about what you were going to do. Staying quiet sounds good and if any tears to fall, you can just wipe them with your sleeve fast.

Not the best plan but it's all you got. Sure there is the possibility of skipping, but that leads to the chances of someone being shot or I have to face Dark's wrath. Believe me, you don't want that to happen. 

On the way up in the elevator, you practiced some breathing exercises. Your breath at least needed to be steady if you're going to get through an hour of yelling and arguing.

The door opened with a ding. Stepping out, you slowly made your way toward the meeting room. Threw the glass doors, you can see all the Iplier egos chatting amongst themselves. When you stepped in, it went quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were your footsteps and the jingling of your key chains attached to your book bag. 

Once you sat down, the meeting began. 

Like always, Wilford was first to present his ideas. You partially listened to him and his crazy accent. Your leg moving up and down anxiously, tears blurred your vision until you could only see a pink blob frantically waving their hands. Your fingers dug into your sleeve uncontrollably. 

You can't do this. If anyone of them raises their voice or even makes a loud noise, you will break down immediately. 

Wilford was done with his presentation and waited for an applause, which he didn't get. Instead, he got questions and some not-so-constructive-criticism. You, however, were quiet. Not daring to look up from your slouched possession in the chair. 

Those questions turned into disagreement, which led to yelling. You shook more violently with your foot tapping the ground rapidly. You buried your face into your sleeves as you tried to keep a steady breath. 

In and out.

In and out.

In and-


Gunshots were fired into the ceiling, bits and pieces of the plaster crumbled down unto Wilford's pink hair. The shots were loud enough for my anxiety to go haywire. You ducked underneath the table and curled up into a ball, your head tucked between my legs while tears escaped your eyes. 

None of the egos noticed this... except for the Host. He noticed this as soon as you walked through the glass doors. If he knew it was this bad, he would have said something beforehand. When Host saw you totally collapse underneath the table, he immediately got up from his chair to retrieve his kid. 

The Host bent down and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug and out from under the table. He hoisted you up so that your legs were wrapped around his stomach and arms clinging around his neck like the world was going to end. 

The sound of your silent cries and shaking form got the ego's attention. All of them stood up, ready to swarm you with questions until Host stopped them. 

"The Host strongly recommends his fellow egos not to crowd them. For it will only make their anxiety attack worse." The Host walked around the table and out of the room, mumbling his actions along the way. 

The hallways were quiet and empty. Just what you needed. 

The Host stepped into an empty break room and set you onto the coach. Host sat next to you, which to his surprise, you immediately rested your head onto his lap while curling up into a ball. You could feel hands pet your head while you try to get back control of your breathing. 

Once your body stops shaking and tears stopped flowing, you were able to speak. "Thank you."

A warm smile spread onto Host' face. "Of course. I just wish I noticed it coming sooner." You looked up at the blind man, your head still resting on his lap. "It's not your fault." You took a deep breath and exhaled. Host continued to stroke your hair as the both of you lie there in silence for a few minutes.

"The Host was thinking," he continued "What if The Host and Y/n order takeout and read a book that The Host thinks you will like." A chuckle escaped your lips. "What about the others? We're just going to leave them here?" 

"Yes. The Host assumes you are tired, are you not?" You sat up and stretched, tiredness hit you like a bus as you attempted to stand up. "I'm defiantly tired." 

Host stood up and offered a hand to help you off of the coach.

Your body was still shaking, but it was manageable for the most part. As you stood, you nearly fell. The Host caught you before you could fall, a hand rested on your back as you clung onto his coat. 

You quietly apologized while trying to steady your balance. 

"The Host assures you, that it is okay. Just breath."

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