~NB S/o Coming Out to the Septic Egos~ [Headcanons]

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Requested By: Anonymous on Tumblr
Could you please write something for a NB coming out to the Septic egos? Like who just yells "I called it", who asks questions, who just wants to hug the reader? (I love the Wil x NB reader you did btw)

Authors Note: Of course! I didn't know if you wanted them separate or together. If you wanted it together, please ask and I will be happy to write it! Also, I wasn't sure if you wanted it w/ an s/o or platonic but I just did it w/ an s/o. Sorry if I got it wrong!

Fandom: Septic Egos
Pairing(s): Septic Egos x Non Binary! Reader (separate)
Warning(s): Cursing probably

Anyway, please enjoy~

*Anti wouldn't give a shit, he still loves you.
*He's lived long enough to not be bothered by this kind of stuff.
*You want him to use They/Them pronouns? Alright, he'll just need to change the nicknames he gave you.
*Nothing would really change in your relationship. He would just introduce you as his partner.

-Jameson Jackson-
*This bean would be confused.
*In his time, there wasn't really a whole lot of talk about that sort of thing. So you would have to explain to him what it is and how it affects you
*Even if he doesn't fully understand, he still supports you! If your happy, he's happy!
*Altho he is new to this sort of thing, he tries his best to remember to use your respected pronounce.
*Will most definitely refer to you as his lover or significant other.

-Henrik Von Schneeplestein-
*This is not the first time Henrik has heard of Non Binary. In fact, some of his patents had visited him asking what they could do to feel more comfortable in their skin.
*If you wanted any sort of medicine or medical procedure, he would be happy to help.
*Like Anti, Henrik is very exciting and will make sure you're comfortable with yourself.
*If your not comfortable going to see any other doctor for a checkup, you can always pop by his office and ask!

-Marvin the Magician-
Marvin would be a little ball of sunshine that's support happy for you!
*You found who you are and he's all for it!
*If you're not comfortable with something about your body, he can whip up a potion (or maybe ask Henrik).
*He will get you a cloak where the interior is the Non Binary flag

-Chase Brody-
*Chase will ask questions (and maybe even do some research of his own) to make sure he understands.
*He's scared he might lose you if he's not supportive enough or might accidentally call you the wrong pronoun.
*He just doesn't want you to leave him too. 

-Jackieboy Man-
After you tell him, he will pick you up and hug you. He's happy that you found yourself and you're happy.
*He definitely wants to show support any way he can.
*On one of his patrols, he stumbles upon a pride parade with booths. Jackie will definitely buy and were a Non Binary support pin.

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