~I Want to Feel Loved~ {Part 2} (Host X Teen! Blind[ish] Reader)

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Authors Note: I was planning on doing a Q&A with the egos on my Tumblr some time. If you would like to be apart of that, then please go see my Tumblr
Tumblr: MooKoo-Draws

Sorry if this isn't as good as part 1 but I loved the first one so much, I wanted to do a second part. 

Warning: Cursing, platonic Reader

Anyway, please enjoy~

~~~~~Y/n P.O.V.~~~~~

"Nugh" My vision blinked a couple times. 

As my vision cleared from the blurriness, I see two figures laying on the couch next to a nice fire. One of the figures had his arms wrapped around the other as they had earbuds in. The second figure was laying on top of the first with one arm dangling off of the couch while the other was tucked under the trench coat of the first figure. 

For a second, I forgot about the situation that happened... yesterday? I'm not sure how long I was asleep for. I shuffle my body against the Host's coat to try and cover myself with the soft fabric. "The Host see's you have awoken." Host gives a soft smile as he took out his earbuds. "How long have I been out?" I ask, trying not to move from my comfy spot.  "The Host believes it has only been a couple of hours." I gave a simple nod. "What are you listening to?" I rais my head to him. "The Host is listening to an audiobook. Tho, he would much rather be holding his book in his hand but the Host has seemed to misplace it." He said with a hint of sadness. "What color is it?" Maybe my eyesight could actually be handy. "Red" 

Without lifting my head, I scan the surrounding area around my body. My vision goes farther up so I can see the top shelves of the large bookcases. 

"I believe it's on the top shelf above your desk," I said as I'm looking at the blood red book laying on its side. Host tapped his chin wondering if he actually put it up there. He picked me up and set me on the other end of the coach so he can go retrieve the book. I lay back on the armrest of the couch as I watch him reach for the missing book. 

"The Host ask's if the Host's child has any more surprises up their sleeves?" I laugh as he walks back to the coach. "Not that I know of, no." Host lays back down in his original position and outstretches his arms. I happily jump into the hug and bury my face into his coat. Host opened the book and started reading out loud. His fingers gliding over the braille bumps on the single page. His voice was smooth and soothing to the ear.

This is calming. 

As Host came to the end of the chapter, I spoke. "I never had someone read to me before" I pause for a moment to think. "Know that I think about it, my parents never really did anything fun with me. They just tried to ignore me while we where home. I always did the dishes and cleaned the house to try and gain their trust but there always seemed... uncomfortable. The most they have ever done for me is take me to the shady doctor's office on the bad side of town." I realize what I just say and blush in embarrassment. "Sorry, just thinking out loud again." I apologize as I bury my face deeper in his coat. "The Host thinks there is no need to apologize. He believes you should say whatever is bothering you." Host reinsures. "Thank you"

My stomach made a loud growl that filled the silent room. "Sorry," I blush in embarrassment. "The Host thinks we should go eat. It is close to dinner." I nodded my head as I got up from my unbelievably comfy spot. Host set his book on the nearby coffee table and got up as well. 

We walked back through the halls and into the kitchen. We entered the kitchen where a few of Host's... bothers? Roommates? I'm not entirely sure what they are, but I know they're not normal. They're where two doctors sitting at the long dining room table while the man with the blue shirt with the 'G' on it was cooking. 

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