~I Want to Feel Loved~ (Host X Teen! Blind[ish]! Reader)

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Authors Note: Boi howdy, I'm back with another Oneshot. I finally get to write about the Host (my favorite ego). I feel like people don't write him that much. I will explain the Blind[ish] part in the story. I hope I explain it well :')


Warning: Cursing(?), platonic Reader, Google translation 

Anyway, please enjoy~

~~~~~Y/n P.O.V.~~~~~

I was different. I've always been. When I was born, I had a birth defect. The doctors have never seen my disorder before. I was the first in the world.

I was born with no eyes. They were just empty sockets that sometimes bleed when I'm in distress or crying, but yet I can still see.

I can see the world around me, but never in the normal first-person perspective. When someone asks's me how I can see all around me, I simply ask them to think of a video game camera. How it is always looking at the character and the environment around them, but never in their perspective. That's how I see. That's how I've always seen things. When I have my cloth bandages around my eye's, people automatically think I can't see anything.

The doctors have tried everything they could to help, but nothing worked. The medical bills were always high and my parents could barely pay.

My parents and I where currently in the car. My mother told me we were taking a family trip to the grocery store, but I knew that's not where we were heading. We usually turn left at the driveway to the store. We took a right. 

I turned my head a little to look out the window. My vision flipped so I can see my face through the window. I can see the car driving on the road, while my mom was in the driver's seat in front of me. She is also looking out of the window looking nervous. In the background behind the car, there were trees. The trees were on either side of the car. 

I turn my head so I can get the view inside the car. I see the back of my head with my hood up so I can cover up the bandages as much as possible. 

"Where are we going, mom?" I asked as calm as possible. Mom jumped at my voice. She shook her head and put a hand on Dad's arm as he was driving. It was like she was telling Dad to say sumthing. She seemed incapable of saying anything. 

"We are going to the store. We told you this." Dad adjusted the rearview mirror to look at me. His voice seems to shake like he was nervous. "Silly, you took a right when we left the house. You usually take a left to get to the store." I gave a small smile trying to lighten the mood, but that didn't work. It seemed to make them tenser than before. 

The car gave a sudden halt as It stopped by a big metal gate. "What are we doing here?" I questioned. I have never been here before nor have I ever heard of Raspy Hills. 

"I'm sorry" I heard Mom whisper as she rolled down her window with my drawing notebook in hand. "What are you-" I was cut off when she threw it at the fence. I gasped as I opened the door and run to get it. All of my many doodles and hard work was in this notebook. "Why would you do tha-" As I was about to grab my notebook, I see the car's wheels screech in the dirt. All that was left was a cloud of dust. The car was already gone. 

I gave a sigh as I turn to pick up my notebook. I knew someday they would leave me. I'm just surprised they didn't do it sooner. 

Who would even want a mistake, outcast, monster,... freak. I saw and felt my bandages getting redder and redder as the second's tick by. Blood trickled down my face as the bandages where already socked with the crimson liquid. 

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