~Delayed Presentation~ (Antisepticeye x Anxious! Teen! Reader)

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Requested By: FirefliesOfJune
Could you do an Antisepticeye x Social Anxiety! Teen! Reader?

Authors Note: Based on why I hate presentations.

So sorry I haven't been posting. I want to focus more on my art since I am going into college for it. I am going to finish these requests real quick and maybe take a short break.

I was actually thinking about starting art commissions bc I'm broke and need money. If you are interested, go check out my Instagram and/or Tumblr. I will (hopefully) have a comm. rules sheet up by next week.
Instagram: MooKoo_Draws
Tumblr: MooKoo-Draws

(Ignore the typos, I wrote this on my phone)

Fandom: Jacksepticeye Egos
Pairing(s): Antisepticeye x Anxious! Teen! Reader
Warning(s): Anxiety, panic, glitching, scaring the shit out of your class, cursing probably

Anyway, please enjoy~

You always hated presenting infront of the class. Everyone does. It would have been a little better if it was a group presentation but no, the teacher just HAD to watch their students suffer alone.

Unfortunately for you, you had to present next and were beyond nervous. You will just do what you always do. Constantly mess up and forget your place in the slide, think about it the entire way home and drink your problems away with juice boxes. 

The person finished up their presentation and silently sat back down at their desk while the class half ass clapped.

Okay okay, you got this. Standing up from your desk, you concentrated on the floor. Bring careful and not tripping on any book bags is always a good idea. As you neared the USB port attacked to the wall, you noticed something odd. It seemed to glow a neon green.

You shrugged it off and put your usb drive in the port. Before it even touched the box sparked while a mass amount of virus warnings and pop ups flooded the screen on the wall. The teacher stood up from their desk and frantically tried to fix it.

The screen started to glitch uncontrollably. The class started to talk to one another about what was happening. You heard talk of a virus but you knew they were wrong.

Screams erupted from the classroom as the lights went out including the ones in the hall. The only source of light available was a faint red glow in the dark hallway. Everyone started to freak out except for you. You knew exactly what was happening and who was causing this. Let's just say you were NOT happy about it.

A menacing cackle rang threw the room. Students were now huddled next to each other like their life depended on it. You only sighed to yourself, knowing that this whole game was going to give you attention or in trouble.

"What the fUCK IS THAT!?" One of the students pointed towards the closed glass door. A dark figure stood infront of it. The light glow of red adding an extra effect of creepiness.

A few more screams filled the classroom as the man turned his head.

You merely sighed again and walked towards the door. Everyone in the room watched, now knowing full well what you are about to do. "Y/n don't you DARE open that door or we will-"

You ignored the teachers orders and opened the door. "Hey Anti."

The lights flickered back on and the projector fixed. Anti's hand came down on your head and playfully ruffled your hair. "I'm here to pick up my kid" His glitched voice echoed through the room as everyone sat silent just staring. Anti shuffled threw his pockets and pulled out a note from the office saying I can go early.

The teacher shakily walked over to the glitch demon and took the piece of paper. Looking it over, they nodded their head without saying a word.

"Alright kid, let's go. We can grab some food on our way too." You two walked out of the room and into the now lit hall. "You know l, there are better ways to get me from school." You narrowed your eyes to the man. "Yea but there not as fun." Anti let out a chuckle as he pushed open the doors leading out the school.

"Wait, why did get me? I don't have anything important." Anti shrugged, "I was bored." "Which explains why you were the one to come in the first place. You know the rules. Dangerous egos aren't allowed at my school."

"Okay with yer rules. All us egos are dangerous." Anti crosses his arms as if he's made his point. "Not the superhero's or the the literal king of all squirrels." "Hey have ya ever been bitten by one of those little freaks?! They hurt like shit." You laughed at his pained memory as you two walked down the street on your way to grab something to eat.

"Just don't tell Dark about this. He'll have my head."

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