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I sit on the couch and wait for the two boys to come back home. I am very worried. I walk around the house and try to distract myself.

At two in the morning, I hear the door knob turn and Mark drags in an extremely drunk Lucas and puts him on the couch.

"What happened?" I ask Mark as I look at Lucas murmuring with his eyes closed while shifting around.

"He was mad about something and just headed to the bar and got seriously drunk. I didn't stop him, I am sorry, but he has been going through so much lately so I let him. I am sorry." He says and runs his hand through his hair and looks at me.

I smile and shake my head. "Don't be! Thank you for looking after him!" I say and hug Mark.

Mark freezes and slowly pats my back awkwardly as he can't believe that I was hugging him.

"Uhm. I ... I am going to my room." Mark says and walks away as he blushes. I smile and nod.

I get Lucas up and lay him down on the bed and cover him up with the blankets before closing the door and getting in next to him.

I look at him and sigh. I am sorry, Lucas. I don't know what to do now. I keep my hand on his chest and snuggle in next to him.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I feel wet kisses on my neck and I open my eyes. I see Lucas kneeling next to me kissing me.

"What are you doing?" I groan as I push him away.

"Wakey wakey sweetheart!" He says in a jolly voice. "It's already twelve o'clock."

I sit up. "What? Why didn't my alarm ring?" I shout and look around for my phone.

"I don't know but I need to go so, I just wanted to say ...." He begins in a serious tone.

What was that mood shift? Is he bipolar or something? Are was he just being sarcastic?

"..... since you are free, maybe you would like do the laundry and maybe clean up the place. Okay, thanks!" He says as he stands up.

He is dressed in his formal attire and he gives me a rude look before going. The heck was that?

I groan as I yawn and stretch. I get up and make the bed and put all the petals from yesterday on the floor.

I have to clean up anyway. I stand next to bed after finishing and run my hands through my hair.

"Good afternoon, Y/N!" Mark shouts as he comes into the room in a pair of grey sweatpants and a white slim tee.

I clear my throat and smile at him. "Good afternoon! I am going to come down in a moment. Sorry!" I say as I take my things from my nightstand.

"Do you something from your hometown in there?" Mark asks as he stands very close to me, behind me.

He is looking at my things over my shoulders and he looks at me. His face is so close to me. I hope my breathe isn't going to kill him.

"No. Everything was so quickly. I only have this from my place." I show the bracelet on my hand.

It is a simple thin silver chain and I have worn it everyday since the day I got it on my last birthday from my best friend.

"It's beautiful." He says as he inspects the bracelet and holds my hand.

"It's from a friend." I say as I feel my cheeks grow red as I observe his stunning side profile.

Vote and comment if you like the chapters. I love you guys so much.

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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